歐盟法與生命文化 (二) 第九單元 Germany’s dual vocational training system: a model for other countries? 授課教師: Mr. Raoul Kubitschek Christian Mahnke Manager Science & Technology at German Trade Office Taipei 1 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版
How did we get there? Dual vocational training system has grown over a long period: Foundation phase ( ) Consolidation phase ( ) Expansion phase (from 1970 on) 2
Historical background Long history of practical training in Germany Since the 12th century a system similar to vocational training existed Completely practical oriented Apprentice lived in the house of their boss Learned practical daily work and developed their personality 3
Foundation phase ( ) Started period of industrialization Stage of rapid economic growth and modernization Changed from agrarian society into an industrial society 4
Foundation phase ( ) Reduced the traditional way of handiwork Founded the first further education schools Established the “master craftsman certificate” in
Consolidation phase ( ) Phase dominated by three major incidents Wall Street Crash of 1929 and Great Depression (1929– 1939) 7
Consolidation phase ( ) Phase dominated by three major incidents World War II 1939 to
Consolidation phase ( ) 9 Dual vocational training system was in service as a social buffer Establish a general compulsory vocational education 1937 Created a Vocational Training Law 1969
Expansion phase (since 1970) Phase has continued Continuous change of society and the economy e.g. updating the content in the schools Constant Focus of => combination on-the-job training and theoretical education 10
How does the system work? 11
From School to Work 12
German Chambers of Commerce and Industry: The Network DIHK: Umbrella organization of 80 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK) in Germany All German companies by law have to join a regional chamber 13 3.6 Mill. IHK member companies 200 DIHK employees in Berlin/Brussels Co-ordination of the Worldwide Network of German Chambers of Commerce (AHK) in 80 Countries
Chambers of Commerce and Industry: The “Competent Bodies” Responsible for: Organization, registration, examination, certification Quality assurance throughout the whole training process Representing and organizing the companies needs, interests and inputs – in co-operation with business associations 14
Standards Vocational Training Act Vocational councils Training regulations on ordinance level elaborated in standardized procedures Curricula for both learning venues – VET school and company VET contracts, salaries and registration Aptitude of training companies and trainers Examination councils and regulations Those who train don‘t examen Making of and secrecy of exam questions 15
Five Key Elements Co-operation of government and industry or public private partnership Learning within the work process Acceptance of national quality standards Qualified VET staff Institutionalized research and consultancy 16
Dual Training at the School 17 The curriculum of part-time vocational schools includes Vocational subjects (two thirds). Teaching follows an activity-based approach in fields of learning. General subjects (one third).
Vocational Competence 18 “Vocational training shall, through a systematic training programme, impart the vocational skills, knowledge and qualifications (vocational competence) necessary to engage in a form of skilled occupational activity in a changing working world. It shall also enable trainees to acquire the necessary occupational experience.” Section 1, para (3) Vocational Training Act (BBiG)
Training Regulations They cover the following: State recognition of the occupation Designation of the occupation Duration of training Profile of the training occupation (minimum requirements) Overall training plan (outline of the syllabus and time schedule) Examination requirements 19
Training Contract 20 They cover the following: Training period: as stipulated in the training regulations Beginning and end of training: the duration of training can be shortened or extended under certain conditions Training contents: A company training plan forms part of the contract (to which it is annexed) Termination of employment: trainees are largely protected against dismissal after the probationary period has expired Allowance paid to the trainee: amount is determined by the applicable collective agreement
Example Christian Mahnke Finished school with at age 18 (similar to (Senior high school) Started a dual vocational training as IT-system-merchandiser 19y – 22y Realization of customized system solutions Planning of marketing strategy Consulting with existing customers Fulltime work as Key Account Manager 22y – 25y Since 25y I have been studying at University: Bachelor & Master in BA 21
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 22 Overall responsibility for vocational training within the Federal Government Securing and developing dual training Research policy to enhance Germany’s attractiveness Support for innovation
Training Occupations 23 There are training occupations for all sectors of the economy and administration. The training occupations are continuously updated. New occupations are created as required. Training occupations show different degrees of specialization. Training occupations are differentiated in keeping with actual needs. Training is centered on vocational competence.
Benefits For companies and trade unions: Influence on content and organization of training Medium-term: low recruitment and settling in costs Next generation of skilled workers assured Productive performance of trainees For trainees: Labor market relevant training leads to excellent job perspectives Acquisition of social skills within the real life of a company Motivation by getting training fees (earning and learning) For the government: Private contribution eases the burden on public budgets Low youth unemployment rate A Win-Win-Win-Situation 24
德國工商總會 DIHK 認證證書 25
Activity based learning Activity Learning Introduce teaching method of work process oriented teaching First use in business training for mid management Pioneered by Aachen in Germany in technical vocational field Process Planning – Performing – Evaluation Detailed time planning of classes Shorter intervals, e.g. 20min Goal to motivate student to learn on her/his own Understanding of applying theoretical knowledge to practical applications Easier to integrate different learner levels 26
German VET for Export AHK Business Field German VET raises interest in other countries German Chambers of Commerce Worldwide (AHK) extend their activities to promote adaptation of key elements of German VET AHK Activities are spread all over the world, i.e. Hong Kong: Logistics Portugal: Hotel Business Argentina: Accounting India: Administration China: Mechatronic, Tool Makers, Industrial Mechanics A lot more will be done AHKs! Malaysia: Industrial Manager, Transport & Logistics (Start: Sept. 2013) Thailand: Mechatronics (June 2013) Vietnam: Mechatronics (Sept. 2013) 27
Interest from Abroad 28 “ So those German kids, they're ready for a job when they graduate high school. They've been trained for the jobs that are there.” President Barack Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address
版權聲明 頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 2 How did we get there?... Expansion phase (from 1970 on) Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 3 Historical background…Learned practical daily work and developed their personality Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 4 Foundation phase ( )…society into an industrial society Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 5 WIKIPEDIA commons/Airacobra P39 Assembly LOC 02902u 作者: Unknown /數位衍生著作作者: Balcer~commomswiki 本作品轉載自 ( _LOC_02902u.jpg) 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Airacobra_P39_Assembly _LOC_02902u.jpg 6 Foundation phase ( )…“master craftsman certificate” in 1871 Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 29
頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 7 WIKIPEDIA commons/World Telegram staff photographer 本作品轉載自 ( WTS.jpg ) 瀏覽日期 2014/11/16http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bank_of_the_United_States_failure_NY WTS.jpg 8 WIKIPEDIA commons/USN 本作品轉載自 ( g ) g 瀏覽日期 2014/11/16 9 Consolidation phase ( )…Vocational Training Law 1969 Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 10 Expansion phase (since 1970)… education Breitbach, Daniel 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 版權聲明 30
頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 12 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第 2 頁 /Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 ET_Presentation.pdf 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條主張合理使用。 13 German Chambers of Commerce and Industry: The Network / Veröffentlicht ( zeigt-belebung.html) 瀏覽日期 2014/11/17http:// zeigt-belebung.html 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 14 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第13頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 ET_Presentation.pdf ET_Presentation.pdf 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 版權聲明 31
頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 17 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投 影片第4頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 18 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投 影片第5頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 19 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第6頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日 期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 20 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第7頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 版權聲明 32
頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 21 Christian Mahnke 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2015/10/2 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 22 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第8頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 23 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第10頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 24 For companies… Win-Win- Situation The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影片第11頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 esentation.pdf esentation.pdf 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 25 德國工商總會 DIHK 認 證證書 本作品轉載自 esentation.pdfhttp:// esentation.pdf 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 版權聲明 33
版權聲明 34 頁碼作品授權條件 作者 / 來源 27 The Dual Vocational Education and Training System: Success Story in Germany and its Export Abroad 投影 片第13頁/Dr. Roland Wein 本作品轉載自 nte/News/JBC_VET_Presentation.pdf 瀏覽日期 2014/11/18 依著作權法第46、52、65條主張合理使用。 28 WIKIPEDIA commons/ 作者: Pete Souza 本作品轉載自 ( ck_Obama.jpg ) ck_Obama.jpg 瀏覽日期 2014/11/ 本作品轉載自 Microsoft Office 2013 PowerPoint 設計主題範本,依據 Microsoft 服 務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 Microsoft 服 務合約