AIM: How did the Progressive Era Begin?
Goals of Progressivism 1. Protecting Social Welfare 2. Promote Moral Improvement 3. Create Economic Reform 4. Fostering Efficiency
1. The Progressives A. Middle class USA – literate read muckraking papers and magazines.. Can’t get enough! B. Muckrakers: illuminated dark “corners” of American life – ills of society Jacob Riis: poor & living conditions Suffering of Workers Political corruption Alcohol Trusts (Big Business) Child Labor Plight of Immigrants Public Safety – Food, products, etc
Bandits' Roost (1890 )
Five Cents Lodging, Bayard Street, c. 1889
Children sleeping in Mulberry Street (1890)
Tenement Housing, New York City
Women's Lodging Room in the West 47th Street Station c. 1892
Men's Lodging Room in the West 47th Street Station c. 1892
Muckraking Photo Today
2. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory A. 146 Women died in NYC – agonizing deaths B. Workers infuriated demand gov takes action - Workplace safety C. Inspectors visit factories – safety codes D. # of workers dying in workplace fires decreases – proves value of laws