Created by BM|DESIGN|ER Financial Health Solutions default
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Business lawyers Accountants Sponsors VALUE PROPOSITION Best financial advice Proven solutions Guaranteed results Providing excellent life plannning Affordable rates CUSTOMERS People who are in debt People who need help matching their finances with their life plan Middle class to lower income families/individuals People who need help budgeting their finances KEY ACTIVITIES Provide service within given time Provide friendly service Provide accurate advice Provide customized advice RELATIONSHIPS Create a sense of ease Saving money Managing money Educating customers on how to save money and plan out their finances KEY RESOURCES Funiture Computer(S) Financial templates Employees Software Stationary DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS In person service Online (limited services) COST STRUCTURE Facility costs Equipment maintenance costs Employee wages Employee benefits Marketing/advertising REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING 100% of revenue will go to consulting services Services charged per hour
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Business lawyers Accountants Sponsors VALUE PROPOSITION Best financial advice Proven solutions Guaranteed results Providing excellent life plannning Affordable rates CUSTOMERS People who are in debt People who need help matching their finances with their life plan Middle class to lower income families/individuals People who need help budgeting their finances KEY ACTIVITIES Provide service within given time Provide friendly service Provide accurate advice Provide customized advice RELATIONSHIPS Create a sense of ease Saving money Managing money Educating customers on how to save money and plan out their finances KEY RESOURCES Funiture Computer(S) Financial templates Employees Software Stationary DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS In person service Online (limited services) COST STRUCTURE Facility costs Equipment maintenance costs Employee wages Employee benefits Marketing/advertising REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING 100% of revenue will go to consulting services Services charged per hour