Chapter 5 The Communication Process © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Levels of Audience Aggregation Mass Markets and Audiences Market Segments Niche Markets Individual and Group Audiences Slide 5-1 Figure 5-2 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
A Basic Model Communication Senders Receivers Source Sender Encoding Channel Massage DecodingReceiver Noise Feedback
A Basic Model Communication Communication: passing information, exchange ideas or establishing a commence of thoughts between sender and receiver. Two major participants in communication process are sender & receiver. Two major tools are massage & channels Two functions are encoding & decoding Interfere element is noise Source/ encoding: person or organization that information to share with another person or group (signs, symbols and pictures. Massage: That contain the meaning,thoughts and information to convey. Receiver/decoding: transforming the meaning,symbol and pictures into thoughts.
Identifying the target Audience Market Segmentation Mass Market and Audiences Niche markets Individuals &Group Audiences
Individuals: Who have specific needs require personal selling A second level of audience aggregation is represented by group require advertising and multilevel personal selling Niches with same needs and wants require personal selling and direct marketing Market segments with mass audiences require advertising & publicity
Traditional Response Hierarchy Models AIDA ( Salesperson) attention interest desire action Hierarchy of effects (advertising effect) awareness knowledge liking preference conviction purchase Slide 5-2 Figure 5-3 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Traditional Response Hierarchy Models cont. Innovation adoption (New Product) awareness interest evaluation trial adoption Information processing (William McGuire) presentation attention comprehension (Knowledge) Yielding (Liking) retention behavior Slide 5-3 Figure 5-3 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Methods of obtaining feedback Effectiveness Test Circulation reach Listener, reader, viewer recognition Recall, checklists Brand attitudes, purchase intent (Aim) Recall over time Inventory, point of Purchase consumer panel Steps in persuasion process Exposure/presentation Attention Comprehension (Aware) Message acceptance/ yielding (liking) Retention Purchase behavior Slide 5-4 Figure 5-4 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Alternative Response Hierarchies Standard learning Dissonance/ attribution (choose between two product with similar quality) Low- involvement learn feel do do feel learn learn do feel Slide 5-5 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Categories of Cognitive Responses Product/message thoughts much attention focused on two types of response Counterarguments: Thoughts that are opposed to the position taken in the massage,related negatively to massage acceptance Support arguments: Thoughts that affirm the claims made in massage,related positively to massage acceptance Source oriented thoughts: Source derogation (Negative thoughts about the spokesperson. or source holster Positive thoughts about the spokesperson. Ad execution thoughts: Individual thought about the advertising itself reaction of recovers towards creativity of ad, quality,colors. Slide 5-6 © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Irwin/McGraw-Hill