Essential Question: How do family structure and your position in the family life cycle affect your relationship with your parents?
- Responsibilities: Family structure affects the Demands made on parents are greater in PARENTS People responsible for raising children Provide for physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs of children Duties of parents Some family structures
PARENTS IN DIFFERENT FAMILY STRUCTURES Nuclear Foster Blended Extended Single Parent Parents share responsibilities Aunts, uncles, and grandparents share “parenting” duties Parents often share responsibilities Step-parent may be caring for other family Have added demands of adjusting to new family Provide day-to-day care Rely more on extended family Rely more on older children May rely on other parent financial Some parenting Provide temporary care Not legally related Same responsibilities as parents Share decisions with court rep.
My Concerns Outside the Family Think about yourself. Other than your family, what concerns do you have in your life? Place the top 4 into this graphic. Examples: School Sports Work… NOW… go back and estimate about how many hours of the day these things are of concern to you. Place the number of hours in each shape. THINK ABOUT how many times these concerns overlap.
CONCERNS OF PARENTS Understanding these concerns might help you relate better to your parents. WORK Job satisfaction Recognition for work Frustration with work leads to changing jobs or careers. Join civic groups (Lion’ Club, Rotary) COMMUNITY MARRIAGE Care of family Keep marriage relations strong Spend time with spouse Volunteer Run for public office (school board) Keep up with current events (newspaper, TV news) Making informed decisions (voting) Support children in clubs and community service projects
UNDERSTANDING MIDDLE AGE (40 – 60 years of age) Understanding middle age may help you understand your parents. Physical Changes Emotional Changes _______________is the process of growing older. AGING Weight Gain Metabolism slows Need less food Exercise helps improve health Appearance Graying & thinning hair Wrinkles Vision Changes Depression of getting older Changes in responsibilities Feel unneeded Envy of Youth Increased time for personal interests
Grandparents Usually happens during middle age Must adjust to physical changes Must adjust to retirement Hobbies Travel Activities May move to a new home Smaller Nursing home With relatives forming an extended family Enjoy sharing their past Adjust to the death of friends May be lonely Good source of advice
Parents and Teenagers Parents’ relationships with their children change as children grow older. Change Parents’ Role Teen’s Role Teenage Independence Changing Goals Sources of Conflict Learning to Communicate ● Allow some independence ● Give responsibilities ● Provide guidance ● Get a job ● Learn to drive ● Spend time away from home ● Earn trust ● Be accountable for your actions ● Encourage goals ● Maintain open communication about future expectations ● Set goals for yourself ● Communicate with your parents ● Believe maturity leads to better decisions ● Argue and face the problems ● Makes own choices of friends, dating, curfews, and privileges ● Listen carefully ● Ask questions ● Work together to resolve conflict ● Build respect SAME