Effective Supervision Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching An overview by Olivia L. Boucher Robert J. Marzano Tony Frontier David Livingston Robert J. Marzano Tony Frontier David Livingston
Effective Supervision shows school and district- level administrators how to set the priorities and support the practices that will help all teachers become expert teachers. The focus is on developing a collegial atmosphere in which teachers can freely share effective practices with each other, observe one another's classrooms, and receive focused feedback on their teaching strategies
In the past expertise was thought of as a natural by-product of talent The authors have organized knowledge base into four related domains. Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behavior Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism The authors have organized knowledge base into four related domains. Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behavior Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
Focused Feedback and Practice Perspectives from Marzano and Ericcson.
Domain #1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors This domain directly addresses what teachers do in the classroom. What will I do to…. Establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success Help students effectively interact with new knowledge Students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge Engage students Establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures Recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures Establish and maintain effective relationships with students Communicate high expectations for all students Develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit What will I do to…. Establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success Help students effectively interact with new knowledge Students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge Engage students Establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures Recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures Establish and maintain effective relationships with students Communicate high expectations for all students Develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit
Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Routine Segments: Communicating Learning Goals, Tracking Student Progress, and Celebrating Success Establishing and Maintaining Classroom Rules and Procedures Content Segments: Introduce New Content Segments that are Enacted on the Spot: These are strategies that might not be part of every lesson. Routine Segments: Communicating Learning Goals, Tracking Student Progress, and Celebrating Success Establishing and Maintaining Classroom Rules and Procedures Content Segments: Introduce New Content Segments that are Enacted on the Spot: These are strategies that might not be part of every lesson.
Domain #2: Planning and Preparing Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units -effective scaffolding -progress toward a deep understanding The use of materials and technology -teacher identifies available materials to enhance student learning -use of interactive whiteboards, response systems, and computers Special Needs of students -planning for English as Second Language learners -identify adaptations that need to be made Students who come from environment with little support Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units -effective scaffolding -progress toward a deep understanding The use of materials and technology -teacher identifies available materials to enhance student learning -use of interactive whiteboards, response systems, and computers Special Needs of students -planning for English as Second Language learners -identify adaptations that need to be made Students who come from environment with little support
Domain 3: Reflection on Teaching Evaluating Personal Performance -identify specific areas of pedagogical strength and weakness within Domain 1. -Evaluate the effectiveness of individual lessons and units Developing and Implementing a Professional Growth Plan -Develop a written growth and development plan -Monitor progress relative to the professional growth plan Evaluating Personal Performance -identify specific areas of pedagogical strength and weakness within Domain 1. -Evaluate the effectiveness of individual lessons and units Developing and Implementing a Professional Growth Plan -Develop a written growth and development plan -Monitor progress relative to the professional growth plan
Domain #4: Collegiality and Professionalism Promoting a Positive Environment -Promoting positive interactions about colleagues -Promoting positive interactions about students and parents Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies -Seeking mentorship for areas of need or interest -Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies Promoting District and School Development -Adhering to district and school rules and procedures -Participating in district and school initiatives Promoting a Positive Environment -Promoting positive interactions about colleagues -Promoting positive interactions about students and parents Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies -Seeking mentorship for areas of need or interest -Mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies Promoting District and School Development -Adhering to district and school rules and procedures -Participating in district and school initiatives
5 ways to provide teacher feedback 1.Teacher self rating-least obtrusive 2.Walk- through- short visits 3.Comprehensive Observations-pre- conference, observation, post- conference 4.Cueing Teaching-specific strategies 5.Student Surveys-students views of classroom strategies 1.Teacher self rating-least obtrusive 2.Walk- through- short visits 3.Comprehensive Observations-pre- conference, observation, post- conference 4.Cueing Teaching-specific strategies 5.Student Surveys-students views of classroom strategies
Provide teachers opportunities to observe and discuss expertise Instructional rounds- observe and learn from others Expert coaches- teachers who have established expertise Expert videos- library of clips Teacher led PD- workshops Virtual Communities- allows for professional dialogue among teachers at a variety of times and places Instructional rounds- observe and learn from others Expert coaches- teachers who have established expertise Expert videos- library of clips Teacher led PD- workshops Virtual Communities- allows for professional dialogue among teachers at a variety of times and places
Other Resources written by Marzano
Hardly a week goes by without someone changing its approach to supervision. In this book, the authors have attempted to articulate a framework that can be utilized throughout those changes. upervision_webinar/Free%20Video%20Resources/ upervision_webinar/Free%20Video%20Resources/ upervision_webinar/Free%20Video%20Resources/ upervision_webinar/Free%20Video%20Resources/ Click on the book or type in the url to see a Webinar on this book.