Case study: Brand Newcastle: effective regional collaboration Dr Simon McArthur For Tourism Fest in the West, 18 Feb 2014
Lonely Planet rates Newcastle in world’s top ten cities to visit Sometimes you get lucky
The changing image of Newcastle Stereotype Reality
The changing image of Newcastle Stereotype Reality
So when you get lucky… Unforeseen opportunities are the best trigger to undertake profound reform
Our approach to Destination Management Stage 3 a Private sector investment b Private sector brand take-up Stage 2. a Redevelop product b Rebrand Stage 1 a Create savings for reinvestment b Build industry capacity
Stage 1 a – create savings for reinvestment Change from Level 1 Council VIC to Level 3 industry VIC Contemporise visitor info services - 16 touch screen kiosks (13 industry funded) - phone app No users per days increased threefold Cost per customer gone from $8.18 to 2cents
Stage 1b Build industry capacity Build industry based LTA Reform grants to sponsorships $ value Independency
Stage 2a – rebrand Newcastle Develop brand essence & logo Website landing page Collateral refreshment PR campaign Photo shoot & story expansion Introduce physical expressions
Stage 2 b – redevelop product Reinvigorate valuable events that highlight brand - sport, beaches, harbour Month Event stimulus Number of events in the month Total event days in month Airport demand for stimulus Accommodation demand for stimulus JanuaryMild316 No Yes FebruaryGood332Yes No MarchGood523 No Yes AprilMild215 No Yes MayLittle34Yes JuneLittle34Yes JulyMild417Maybe AugustLittle33Maybe SeptemberLittle66YesMaybe OctoberGood1329 No NovemberMild1011Maybe No DecemberMild710Maybe No Move / attract events to low occupancy periods
Stage 2b – redevelop product Harbour tour and soft adventure Digital and sculptural installations
Stage 3a – private sector investment One more coastal function centre Coastal Function Centre Wet spa retreat in Newcastle baths 100 more backpacker beds Newcastle Baths Regional Convention, Exhibition & Ent Centre rooms of 4 & 5 star hotel rooms self-contained apartments New domestic & intl routes to Newcastle Airport Potential Harbour-front site for a Convention, Exhibition & Entertainment Centre
Stage 3 b Industry brand take-up Integration of Newcastle brand started by - city centre ‘Newcastle Now’ - major events and attractions
Stage 3 b Industry brand take-up Roll out brand into wider economy
Reflections 1.Don’t start with creating the Brand - plan it all out, staged - get the implementation $ ready - get champions ready, incl media 2.Brand is so much more than the logo - watch what you spend on design - photos worth more than logo - tactile symbols worth more again 3.Stage the implementation - clever awareness building - tie each achievement to brand