Teaching Strategies Prepared by: Shuhudha Rizwan
Broadcast Strategy The utilization of outside sources within a classroom/lesson (video, TV, radio and multimedia)
Useful for developing and enriching knowledge, skills and attitudes from specialized material and presenters It is a "one-way" form of instruction - students become passive receptors Effective but not ideal - used in collaboration with other strategies is perhaps the most desirable choice Activities based on the presentation broadcast is the ultimate aim for enabling student learning using this strategy Pros and cons of broadcast strategy
The Drill Strategy The method of teaching through repetition aims to produce an automatic response (rote) continual reinforcement until knowledge is automatically triggered by key words to respondent may be ineffective if implementation is allowed to become dull and boring to students at risk of no or little understanding from students effective if material being taught is understood by learners
The Exposition Strategy based on prior student knowledge - followed by assimilation through student listening poor implementation may lead to boring, dull lessons lacks interactive input and social factors difficult to cater for individual learning needs must be implemented in steps and limited to 2- 3 key points The transmittance of information concisely and quickly
The Demonstration Strategy aims to promote acquisition of new skills through observation and imitation used to help develop thinking skills and problem-solving skills commonly used in subjects such as, PE, Handwriting, Spelling, Music etc does not promote individual learning the implementation is crucial, maintaining interest and enthusiasm at all times
Simulation Strategy major purpose is to re-create as near as possible, a real life situation or experience students learn specific principles, concept /thinking skills in the cognitive domain, psychomotor skills and values/attitudes related to beliefs, consequence, efficacy and empathy simulation strategies are more suited to such subject areas as social studies, arts, language arts, and other problem-solving activities possible disadvantages may be that they distort reality; become over-competitive and contain hidden values; they are complex and time- consuming in preparation they must be suited to age and ability level and must have a pre-designed set of objectives
Concept Strategy (concept mapping)
A concept map that explains what a concept map is
concept mapping is used in the classroom to: to generate ideas (brain storming, etc.); to communicate complex ideas; to aid learning by explicitly integrating new and old knowledge; to create meaning to deepen understanding to build theoretical grounded knowledge to introduce new concepts
The "spider" concept map is organized by placing the central theme or unifying factor in the center of the map. Outwardly radiating sub-themes surround the center of the map. "spider" concept map
The hierarchy The hierarchy concept map presents information in a descending order of importance. The most important information is placed on the top. Distinguishing factors determine the placement of the information
The flowchart The flowchart concept map organizes information in a linear format.
The systems concept map The systems concept map organizes information in a format which is similar to a flowchart with the addition of 'INPUTS' and 'OUTPUTS'.
The Guided Discovery Strategy Method of implementation: The teacher sets a problem The students explore the problem Teacher and students discuss the problem and formulate conclusions
major purpose is to have students actively involved in their own learning and problem solving most suited to subjects that require active learning practices, concept development and discovering the solution to problems it is effective in helping students to develop a better understanding of ideas and concepts mainly used with abstract concepts major disadvantages it is not suitable for teaching a large number of facts in an easy manner without correct teacher-guidance, students are at risk of learning incorrect information