South Region Area VI Senior Officer Candidates
Ian Bennett – Lowndes County High FFA Ian is a junior at LCHS. His SAE projects are: Agriscience Research, Sheep Production, Beef Cattle Placement and Entrepreneurship. He has served as Historian, Chaplain and Junior Officer in his chapter as well as President of his middle school chapter.
Annalyn Butler – Jeff Davis High FFA Annalyn is a sophomore at Jeff Davis. Her SAE projects include: Beef Placement and Entrepreneurship, Small Animal Care and Wildlife Management. She has served as President, Reporter and Treasurer in her chapter.
Christen Flowers – Brantley County High FFA Christen is a sophomore at BCHS. Her SAE projects include: Livestock Production Entrepreneurship, Small Animal Production and Care, and Agriscience Research and Experimentation. She has served as Reporter an d Head of Student Development Committee in her chapter.
Reese Johnson – Berrien County FFA Reese is a freshman at BCHS. His SAE project is: Beef Production. He has served as Parliamentarian and Junior Officer in his chapter.
Teighlor Livingston – Lanier County High FFA Teighlor is a sophomore at LCHS. Her SAE projects include: Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication. She has served as Chaplain and Reporter in her chapter.
Angel Rewis – Clinch County High FFA Angel is a junior at CCHS. Her SAE projects include: Veterinary Science Placement, Specialty Crop and Home and Community Development. She has served as President and Vice President in her chapter.
Will Rountree – Cook County High FFA Will is a junior at CCHS. His SAE project is: Forage Product Placement He has served as President, Vice President, Reporter and Sentinel in his chapter.
Peyton Sweet – Ware County High FFA Peyton is a junior at WCHS. Her SAE project is: Goat Production. She has served as President in her chapter.
Josh Thrift – Bacon County High FFA Josh is a junior at BCHS. His SAE projects are: Swine Production and Equine Production. He has served as Vice President and Chaplain in his chapter.