W HERE DO I LOOK FOR THE RULES FOR N OMINATING COMMITTEES ? You will find all you need to know in the bylaws. Bylaws…What’s that? Bylaws guide units and councils on the way to conduct official business.
T HERE ’ S A LOT HERE ! W HERE DO I LOOK ? You will find in the Unit Uniform Bylaws, Article VI, the guidelines for Officers and their Election. Section 7 specifically deals with the Nomination Committee. So let’s take that part step by step.
E LECTION OF N OMINATING C OMMITTEE At least 30 day prior to the election of officers, no less! You could do it at the start of the school year when you are filling your other committees. The nominating committee has to be elected by the unit’s members during a regular or special-called unit meeting.
Y OU NEED AN UNEVEN NUMBER The nominating committee must be minimum of 3 members. Keep it reasonable: 3, 5 or 7 make the best committee size.
W HO ’ S IN C HARGE ? The committee needs to meet immediately upon election to select a chair. The name of the chair is to be reported to the unit president. From there the committee sets their own schedule of when to meet to determine the nominations and how they will receive names for consideration.
W HAT ABOUT THE P RESIDENT ? The current president MAY NOT serve on the Nomination Committee. 1. Information is not shared with the current president anytime during the nominating process. 2. This is to ensure they have no influence on the selection of the candidates (Basically they don’t get to hand pick the officers). PTA is all about embracing the diversity and uniqueness of everyone, our boards should also demonstrate this.
N OMINATING C OMMITTEE DUTIES : Seek out qualified members to serve as officers of the PTA. Provide a form/letter of interest to be completed by each member who has expressed an interest in being an officer. Chair – collects forms/letter of interest and schedules time for those members to meet with the committee to discuss the position. Committee votes to determine the best candidate to bring forward for the office. Chair confirms candidate is willing to be brought forward for the position. Provide a written report stating the slate of candidates (all positions listed, if no candidate has been found, note as vacant). All committee members sign the report. The chair gives the unit president a copy of the report just prior to announcing the slate during the unit meeting.
W HO IS ELIGIBLE TO SUBMIT FOR CONSIDERATION TO BE AN OFFICER ? They must be a member of your PTA unit. They must meet any requirements stated in your unit standing rules. They must be willing to serve. Please don’t tell them it’s an easy job. Be honest. We all know every board position requires a lot of work and a lot of time. It’s not just a commitment of the Nominee, but also of their family.
H OW MANY PEOPLE DO WE HAVE TO N OMINATE ? You nominate one person per office. If the committee chooses to leave the position open (they were unable to find/agree on a single candidate), then an election for the open position must be on the agenda of every unit meeting until filled. Any member not brought forward by the committee as a candidate, may run from the floor during the meeting when elections are held (refer to standing rules for any directions on elections and non-slated nominees.)
W HEN DO WE REPORT OUR FINDINGS ? Nomination committee chair announces the slate of officers at the general membership meeting designated for elections (check your unit standing rules for the month of the election meeting). Posting of nominees prior to election is not a requirement of the bylaws, but check your unit standing rules for a unit requirement to post nominees in advance. Do not discuss your nominations or any discussion about nominees outside of the committee meeting. These are to be confidential talks.
I S THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE NEED TO CONSIDER ? Candidates may only served 2 consecutive terms in the same elected office (per unit uniform bylaws). Length of a term is stated in your unit’s standing rules. If they have served more than half a term in the office it counts as a full term served.
A NYTHING ELSE ? Remember any member can submit to be considered as a candidate for an elected position. The unit president doesn’t participate in the nominating committee’s work. Only members giving their consent to be brought forward as a candidate can be slated.
W HEW ! N OMINATIONS ARE OVER …N OW WHAT ? Celebrate in the knowledge you brought forward a great slate that will work to further the mission and purpose of PTA at your school. Nomination Committee work is done at the conclusion of the election. Thank you so much for your service, it is greatly appreciated.