Care and support is changing The Care Act 2014 Update & Implications for Providers 23 September 2015 Caroline May Care Act Programme Lead
Main implications Well-being and outcomes Carers Prevent and delay needs for care and support Provide information, advice and advocacy Range of high quality services available locally Safeguarding National eligibility criteria 2
Financial Reform 3 Part two of the Care Act delayed until 2020 (the financial reforms) The cap to the cost of care (provisionally £72,000) will no longer apply from April 2016 Changes to capital thresholds will no longer apply from April 2016
Workforce The Care and Support Statutory Guidance stresses the importance of fostering the workforce which underpins the market Encourages training and development of the workforce Workforce has a significant effect on the wellbeing of people receiving care and support, and that of carers 4
National Minimum Wage National Minimum Wage Regulations change each October –Travelling on business during normal working hours is treated as working time If a provider has been in breach of wage legislation they should be excluded from the tendering process Time spent travelling to and from first and last appointments by workers without a fixed office should be regarded as working time, the European Court of Justice has ruled 5
Min wage rates From 1 October 2015, rates will rise to: adult rate (21 and over) – £6.70 per hour 18 to 20 year olds – £5.30 per hour 16 to 17 year olds – £3.87 per hour apprentice rate – £3.30 per hour This year has seen the largest increase since 2008 (from £6.50 per hour) 6
National Living Wage From April 2016 a premium known as the National Living Wage shall be added on to the NMW for all workers aged 25 and over. The government will set the first premium in April 2016 at 50p which will increase the total NLW to £7.20 Enforced by HMRC - enforcement can be initiated either by a complaint from a worker, a third party, or as a result of targeted enforcement of a particular low paying sector 7
We are planning a session for providers on 18 November with HMRC There will be opportunity to discuss implications and concerns regarding the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage 8 Support for providers
Further Information Care Act statutory guidance statutory-guidance-for-implementation The Council Care Act webpage is here: where you can sign up to e-bulletins The Council information & advice website is here: statutory-guidance-for-implementation 9