Valley Central Schools Budget Budget Requests February 8, 2016 Board of Education Meeting
Budget Development Timeline DatePresentations January 11Staff and Enrollment Projections; Budget Assumptions January Baseline Budget February Baseline Budget Compared to Budget with Requests February 22Review of Draft Budget March 14Review of Draft Budget (if needed) March 28Budget Work Session (if needed) April 11Adoption of Budget May 5Candidates Night (if needed) May 9Annual Budget Hearing May 10Voter Registration Day May 17Budget Vote and Board Elections
Administrator Requests School Year
Top Three Staffing Priorities for High School & Middle School SchoolFTERequestCostReason High School1.0Music Teacher$109,174Increase to offer more programs 1.5 hrs. Paraprofessional Supervisor $ 1,683Supervision of paraprofessionals 6 hrs. Testing Paraprofessional $ 21,489Student Needs Middle School 2.0 Alternate Education Program $262,906Trinity Program previously eliminated.5English Teacher$ 65,285Student Needs.5Computer Teacher$ 65,285Restoration of Position TOTAL$525,822
Top Three Staffing Priorities for Elementary Schools SchoolFTERequestCostReason East Coldenham.5Student Assistant Counselor$ 65,285Support (.5 to 1.0).5AIS Reading$ 65,285Additional Support.5Custodian$ 23,399Evening Shift Montgomery3 hrsLicensed Practical Nurse$ 10,745Previously Reduced.5AIS Math$ 65,285Support Needs 3-4 hrs 2 Paraprofessionals$ 18,652Supervision Walden1.0AIS Reading$109,174Additional Support.5AIS Math$ 65,285Support Needs 1.0Specials Area$109,174Even Out Berea.5AIS Reading$ 65,285Additional Support.5AIS Math$ 65,285Support Needs 3 hrsLicensed Practical Nurse$ 10,745Previously Reduced TOTAL$673,599
Top Three Staffing Priorities by Department DepartmentFTERequestCostReason Technology1.0Computer Technician$ 79,079Assist Tech Projects 1.0District Computer Teacher$109,174Eliminate BOCES O&M1.0Typist$ 67,928Support Needs 1.0Maintenance Worker$ 77,638AC/Electrical 1.0Shipping & Receiving Typist$ 67,928 Athletics.4Physical Education Teacher$ 32,897 Union President Replacement 2.0Asst. Varsity/JV Football Coach $ 10,000Safety 4 hrsParaprofessional$ 21,489Supervision ALC/Spec Ed1.0Custodian $70,536Evening Hours 1.0Paraprofessional$ 21,489Special Ed Office 1.5 mo. Secretary (10.5 to 12 months) $ 5,733Summer TOTAL$563,891
Equipment Requests EquipmentCost Teacher/Student Desks & Chairs$ 52,145 STEAM Equipment$ 10,500 Operations & Maintenance Equipment$ 28,500 File Cabinets/Shelving Units$ 10,000 Whiteboards & Smartboards$ 21,000 Copiers$ 5,000 Musical Instrument Replacement$ 30,125 Projection Screen with LCD$ 12,500 Chromebooks, Tablets, Calculators$245,650 Computer Hardware$ 59,993 Golf Cart$ 6,000 Miscellaneous$ 50,000 TOTAL$531,413
Contractual & Supplies RequestCostReason Software$ 41,659Restore previous cuts BOCES Services - Technology$326,660Restore/Increase Bandwidth for Smart Schools BOCES – Technology Specialist$ 58,800Increase to Full-Time Grounds Maintenance$ 50,000Athletic Field Turf Program Residential/BOCES Placements$301,000Tuition Increases/New Placements Dept. Social Services Fees$ 65,540Special Education Placements Special Education Contractual$ 80,250Professional Services Supplies$ 40,189 Miscellaneous$ 25,000 TOTAL$989,098
What Are We Waiting For? BOCES – Initial Service Requests were handed in February 1 st – Waiting for rates to be established General Liability Insurance – NYSIR working on premium for Health Insurance – OU Healthcare rates are still being determined State Aid – Governor’s figures are the first round. – Property Tax Cap exclusions
Tax Cap Calculation Tax Levy FYE 6/30/16$57,334,455 Tax Base Growth Factor $57,664,061 PILOTS receivable FYE 6/30/16$ 1,760,736 Capital Tax Levy FYE 6/30/16$( 668,596) $58,736,201 Allowable levy growth factor $58,806,684 PILOTS receivable FYE 6/30/17$ 1,809,191 Total Levy Limit Before Exclusions $56,997,493 Exclusions: Capital Tax Levy for FYE 6/30/17$ 612,743 Tax Levy Limit, Plus Exclusions$57,610,236$275,781.48%
Potential Savings Auditing Renting vs. Purchasing Natural Gas Electricity Interfund Transfers Insurance
Interesting Facts With a.12% tax cap schools across the State can only raise an additional $25 million. With a 2% tax cap schools across the State can raise an additional $415 million. Districts will only be able to raise between $10-$27 per student under the.12% tax cap.