The Proverbs of the Clowns – Special Delivery to YOU! Turn on Speakers and allow slides to change automatically.
He who doesnt comprehend a facial expression will never understand a long explanation. Proverb
When you speak - at least make sure your words are of more advantage than the simple silence. Proverb
What does it help to increase our pace if we are on the WRONG TRACK? Proverb
Even a wise-man may sit down on an ant-hill. Only a Stupid Fool will remain sitting on it. Proverb
From the perfect the most ridiculous May only be a few steps. Napoleón I
This life was never designed to be FAIR.... but that is not to be interpreted to mean that God is not just. We can spend our lives fighting for justice and it may be a noble cause but until we understand and apply total forgiveness we will never understand the purpose of this life.
Its not as bad to agitate in doubt then it is to relax in that wich is error. Alessandro Manzoni
Dont sell the treasures of heaven for the pleasures of the moment. You will have the rest of eternity to regret it.
The bitter memories of the past – can be like a hot molten rock burning in our hand. But all we have to do is LET GO!!! Proverb
Patience is a FRUIT TREE of often bitter root – but very delicious fruit. Proverb
“A clown is like aspirin – only he works twice as fast.” Groucho Marx
Worrying about the past is like running aganst the wind. Proverb
Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
The discovery of truth can be used for bad or good It all depends on what we do with it.
Flee from praise BUT work to be worthy of it. François Fénelon
Ive learned that everyone wants to live on top of the hill. But all the happiness and growth comes from the climb.
Happiness is like perfume you can’t spray it on someone else without getting a bit on yourself.
Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than ours.
We should use the past as a trampoline and not a couch!! Harold MacMillan
If you fall down seven times Just make sure you get right back up EIGHT times! Proverb
Think about it my friend
I often do wish – that sharing happiness was as easy as sending an , telling a joke, giving a hug, making a phone call, telling someone you care about them. Unfortunately life is much more complicated than that... However each of us has a choice... We can go through life – with its challenges and hardships deciding we will smile and look on the bright side – and spread a resolute proactive attitude of optimism OR We can go through life – with the SAME set of challenges and hardships and share bitterness, worry, fear, doubt and despair. Which path do YOU think will be a more difficult one?