2302 Prep for Exam 2
Co-Curricular Papers Due 31 March An integrative paper that analyzes the connections between His 2302 and a topic in another class in the Las Americas theme, or in another class. Be sure to read the paper prompt in the syllabus. What subject in another class in our theme, such as a picture or a movement in art, a piece of music, a specific book in literature, illustrates an important development studied in our class on Latin American history? (One page)
Prep for Exam 2 1. Map: Capital Cities in Latin America. Place 10 cities from the list on the map, marking exact location with a dot and written name (20 pts) See Course Requirements page for list of cities 2. Five Id’s (Who, what, when, where and why important to our history) (30 pts) 3. Essay (50 pts) Do not forget an exam booklet, pen and ½ info sheet if you wish to use one
Themes since Exam 1 Neocolonialism and Costs of Development Mexican Revolution Immigration, Urbanization, Labor Activism, Import Substitution Gunboat Diplomacy in the Caribbean and Central America Three Wars in Latin America Populism in Latin America The Military in Power in South America
Conclusions: Exam 2 on 24 March Please send me any question that arise as you prepare…