Aviel Kranzler,Central Bureau of Statistics Israel New Students
Current definition Disadvantages of Current definition New definition Disadvantages and advantages of New definition How to make the change Statistics of New Students (new entrants) Presentation Contents
Data on new students are required in order to measure accurately participation at the higher education. To answer questions like “What proportion of the population studies at the college, university or tertiary level of education. it is necessary to determine the number of new students to compare them to the respective population statistics
Information about new students give us the best indicator about trends in higher education If we use in the number of enrolled we didn't see what the change in the recent year. Change of the number of all enrollment students over academic year cannot elaborate trends in the number of entrants to higher education. The change between all student enrolled in this year and previous year measure the change between the number of new students this year and the number of new students three years ago.
The Institution definition: student who start to learn in present year in the institution. If the student has previous studies, he still considered as a new student. New Students Current definition
Differences between the number of new students and the number of applicants (first time) for higher education
תשע"א 20010/11 C Difference in absolute numbers C-A New Students Applicants accepted and studied מועמדים שהתקבלו ולמדו A הפרש במספרים מוחלטים סטודנטים שנה א (C) Excluding exchange fields of education Including exchangers fields of education לא כולל מחליפי חוגיםכולל מחליפי חוגים (B) (A) ,06021,25625,147Universities - Total ,6723,1463,857 Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,2402,381 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology ,1404,3674,992 Tel Aviv University 1905,5505,4606,586 Bar-Ilan University ,9032,4482,670 Haifa University ,5553,4544,661 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
New students and new applicants first applicants in the files סטודנטים חדשים ומועמדים חדשים לפי מופע ראשון InstitutionStudentsApplicants N % Hebrew University of Jerusalem Technion Tel Aviv University Bar-Ilan University Haifa University Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Universities - Total
International Definition New entrants into a level of education are students who, during the course of the current reporting period, enter any programme leading to a recognised qualification at this level of education for the first time, irrespective of whether the students enter the programme at the beginning or at an advanced stage of the programme. (UOE data collection on education systems Volume1 Manual, Concepts, definitions and classifications p17 )
New Students - New definition New Students - New definition A student who started firs time in his life studying in higher education system in Current year
Terms First-year (CBS terms) – שנה ראשונה New student (new entrants in OECD terminology ) – New students New entrants into a level of education are enrollees who have never been included in the corresponding count of students for that level of education previously. Individuals who are returning to study at a level following a period of absence from studying at that same level are not considered to be new student (new entrants).
Re-entrants into a level of education סטודנטים חוזרים Re-entrants into a level of education are students who return to a level of education following a period of absence of at least one year from studying at that same level. Thus, reentrants were not included in the enrolment statistics in the previous reference year, but had been included during some year prior to the preceding reference year. Re-entrants can be further sub-classified as entrants who previously obtained a certification at that level (who are referred to returnees to a second programme) or as entrants who previously did not obtain a certification at that level (who are referred to as returnees to a first programme).
New students in University's first appearance vs institution define
New students in Academic colleges first appearance vs institution define '
New students in Academic colleges first appearance vs institution define
How to make that change Break in the series Difficult to explain the Break in terminology
How to make that change in publications Annual % תשע"ג*תשע"בתשע"אתש"ע change 2012/13*2011/122010/112009/ / /10 UNIVERSITIES TOTAL0.3125,058125,546125,059123,964 First degree-0.674,00074,60874,92375,271 Thereof: First year0.5-22,76723,14123,06023,121 Thereof:new student0.5-19,25819,94419,76420,145 Second degree2.039,18939,07238,34036,923 Third degree0.310,65510,61510,59010,567 ACADEMIC COLLEGES TOTAL4.9105,716101,82296,72791,569 First degree4.394,48891,66687,40983,371 Thereof: First year5.130,65028,68826,64626,384 Thereof:new student3.025,92725,79023,75223,800 Second degree11.111,22810,1569,3188,198
18 Illustration by Brian Cronin