1.2 Required – Elimination of elemental chlorine as a bleaching agent in packaging material Required—Elimination of elemental chlorine as a bleaching agent in paper- based packaging material Product criterion: Manufacturer shall state in the manufacturer’s environmental packaging requirement that elemental chlorine shall not be used as a bleaching agent to bleach virgin or recovered content fibers used in paper-based product packaging. Product packaging that is made Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF), Total Chlorine Free (TCF), or Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) meets the requirements of this criterion. Additionally, recycled content that may have been previously bleached with chlorine or chlorine derivatives meets the requirements of this criterion. Applies to: Packaging of products that are declared to conform to this standard Verification requirements: 1.Declaration from manufacturer 2.Copy of manufacturer’s environmental packaging requirement as provided to packaging supplier References and details: None.
Proposed Chlorine Definitions ELEMENTAL CHLORINE FREE (ECF) Packaging material produced with pulp from virgin content that has been bleached using a chlorine derivative such as chlorine dioxide (ClO2), but without the use of elemental chlorine (Cl). TOTALLY CHLORINE FREE (TCF) Packaging material produced with pulp from virgin content that has been bleached without any type of chlorine, or that has not been bleached at all. PROCESSED CHLORINE FREE (PCF) Packaging material produced with pulp from virgin and/or recycled content that has been bleached without any type of chlorine, or that has not been bleached at all. Recycled content may have originally been bleached with chlorine or chlorine derivatives.
ECF/TCF/PCF Diagram Previously bleached material allowed Virgin material Chlorine Dioxide Chlorine derivatives such as ClO2 are ok Virgin material Chlorine derivatives Virgin material Recycled material Pulp and Additive Bleaching Process Oxygen/ozone Elemental Chlorine Chlorine derivatives Oxygen/ozone Elemental Chlorine Incoming Material TCF ECF PCF Paper/pkg