TRENCH WARFARE -Stretched for miles across Europe -Often flooded, trench foot -Going “over the top” -Stalemate
THE MACHINE GUN - Became easier to move around battle field. - Belt fed ammunition - Used in trenches and defensive positions
POISON GAS & CHEMICAL WARFARE -French 1 st to use gas -First use of lethal gas was by Germans, chlorine gas -Gas masks developed at same pace as gasses -Mustard Gas
TANKS -Developed to end stalemate of the trenches -Early models prone to mechanical failure -Improvements made throughout war -Helped turn the tide at the end of the war
AIR COMBAT -Recon -Guns added to biplanes -Dogfights -Bombers
REVIEW -What was “going over the top”? -What was life in the trenches like? -What made the machine gun so important? -How was the machine gun improved throughout the war?
REVIEW -Who first used lethal gas? What gas was it? -Why was gas death toll so low? -Why were tanks invented? -What were some early limitations to aircraft in WWI?