Region H Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Coalition
Population Data 15 Counties Population Range: 2,073 (8.1/Sq. mi) to 89,486 (218.6/Sq. mi) Total Population: 236,673/7,460 Sq mi Population Density: 32.0/Sq. mi Landmarks: 3 Universities/Colleges 5 Correctional Facilities 1 Nuclear Plant across state lines **Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas boarders
The Early Days: “Region H Health Resource Committee” Relationship Development Communication Resource Sharing
Initial Challenges Lack of Guidance Lack of National Models
Fast Forward to 2010 Regional coalitions become a focus of statewide hospital preparedness planning. Coalition Development Mission Objectives Membership Guidance
Successes: Formalized Guidance Use of MHA developed tools greatly enhanced the capability of the coalition to advance in planning Documents could be tweaked instead of having to be developed Consistency across the state in coalition building Statewide coordinating council gave the coalition leaders the ability to have a voice in the development of the planning core documents
Region H Emergency Health Care Coalition Membership: 9 Hospitals: 7 Critical Access,1 Trauma Center and 1 State Mental Health Hospital 13 Local Public Health Departments 1 Federally Qualified Health Center Mo. Department of Corrections Senior Epidemiology Specialist-DHSS American Red Cross EMS Emergency Management Mental Health-Community Mental Health Centers Others to engage :Long Term Care Region H LPHAHospitalFQHC Dept. of Corrections American Red Cross Emergency Management Mental Health
Leadership Coordinating Council: three facilities to take leadership role Currently: 1 LPHA Planner, 1 Critical Access Hospital Planner and 1 Trauma Hospital Planner Leaders also serve on the MHA Coordinating Council. Subject Matter Experts Communications Exercise Coalition Development Decon Resource Management
First Steps Routine meeting schedule established Face to Face Conference Calls Flexible Meeting locations Contact information Redundant communication systems Exercise/Training Schedule Duty Officer System
Mission Statement To improve all-hazard medical response for the region through support of the health care organizations, providers and regional partners by facilitating all-hazards planning, coordinated exercises, and real event response during the mitigation, response and recovery phases.
Objectives Planning Objectives Identify Hazards Identify Mitigation Strategies Training and Exercise Identify Regional Strengths Identify Shortcomings Regional Plan Response Objectives Information Sharing Situational Awareness Resource Support Interface with LEOC and MACC Coordinate Coalition Response Activities
Success: Exercise Schedule 2016 January February March April May June July August September October November December Hospital HEAR Radio Test Tina Capader XXXXXXXXXXXX MOSWIN RADIO TEST Tom Patterson XXXXXXXX LPHA Regional Calling Tree Kelli Hillerrman X X X X eICS Desktop X X X X
Success: Statewide Implementation of EMResource
Success: Region Wide Notification System
Success: Development of eICS
Emergency Support Function Support (ESF) Emergency Support Function: grouping of organizations with a specific capability into an organizational structure to provide support, information, resources and services that are imperative to save lives during an emergency ESF #8: Health and Medical: Local Public Health ** Hospital Emergency Medical Services Coroner Veterinary and/or animal health
Emergency Support Function Support (ESF) ESF #8 Coordinator Role Livingston County fire police R & B Comm LPHA EMS ARC Hospital Public works hazmat County EOC Activate the Region H Coalition Support of 11 LPHAs 8 Hospitals Regional EMS Mutual Aid FQHC Information Collection/Sharing HavBed MCI Communication Resources EMSystem WebEOC Resource Request MACC Allows local Hospitals and LPHA to do the work needed at the actual response, but provides support to fulfill the ESF #8.
EMResource and WebEOC Integration EMResource Healthcare Specific Data Timely collection eICS platform Variety of Health Disciplines WebEOC Coordination with EMD and other agencies Variety of Disciplines Connection to SEMA Integration is key MACC or Virtual Two Coalition Members System
Duty Officer Job Action Sheet Functional Checklist for Coalition Duty Officer Assist with Identifying level of Coalition activation Documentation Increased comfort level to engage members
Success: Relationship with EMD’s and MACC Presented Coalition and eICS Application to Regional SEMA Area Coordinators Meeting Participation in the Regional THIRA Coordinating Regional Healthcare in MACC
Resource Request Algorithm Developed process for Resource Request Agency Local EOC MACC
Other benefits of LPHA participation…. Understand the hospital responsibilities regarding emergencies Gaining broader picture of how all systems work together Develop relationships outside LPHA Increase readiness Access to Subject Matter Experts Taking pertinent information back to my local emergency planning commission
Coalition Exercises 2011 National Level Earthquake Exercises SEMA Hoof and Mouth Exercise 2012 Earthquake/Mass Shelter Tabletop and Full Scale Exercise 2013 Ice Storm in October Communication Test: HEAR Radio Test and LPHA Call Down Notification Test 2014 Capstone Exercise 2015 Vortex Fury 2015 ChemPack Quarterly eICS Desktop Exercise Coalition Response May 2013 Snow storms Coalition activated on Alert status Coalition Members aware of situation with regular updates October 2013 Demonstration 3000 people expected to protest in rural jurisdiction June 2015 Bicycle Across Missouri
Bicycle Across Missouri 5 Day Bicycle Ride from West to East Pre Planning Expected 1000 Riders-1000 additional support and staff Coalition Response Provide Healthcare Clinic Information across the entire route Provide contact information for each hospital Hospital-provide first aid stations at the overnight locations LPHA-Environmental Health Support eICS Event: information sharing, communication and coordination Liaison to EMS, Hospitals, and Local Public Health
Future Goals Continued improvement upon preparedness capabilities Increased prevention/anticipatory planning POD Command Team Development Formalized MACC Procedures Further Regional Plan Development Strengthen Individual Response Capability
Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Connection Purpose of PHEP 4.19 Reference to Healthcare Coalition Work Plan Capabilities