Constitution Day 9/17/2012 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…


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Presentation transcript:

Constitution Day 9/17/2012 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…

The Basics The Constitution is the highest law in the United States. All other laws come from the Constitution. It says how the government works. It creates the Presidency. It creates the Congress. It creates the Supreme Court. Each state also has a constitution. The constitutions of the states are their highest law for that state — but the United States Constitution is higher.

History History History The Constitution was written in At that time there were only 13 states. Ben Franklin said the he was not sure if the plan was perfect. He said that it was probably as perfect as it could be. After the Convention, the Constitution had to be approved. Actually, only nine states had to agree to, or ratify, the Constitution. Two states took a long time to decide to agree. These states were Rhode Island and North Carolina.

Amendments The Framers added an amendment process. An amendment to the Constitution is a change that can add to the Constitution or change an older part of it. Congress proposed the Bill of Rights. A list of twelve changes was sent to the states. In 1791, ten of those changes were agreed to by the states. The ten changes were added to the Constitution. These ten changes are called the "Bill of Rights."

Bill of Rights The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. A bill of rights is a list of rights that belong to the people. The government is not allowed to break these rights. the right of free speech. the right to practice your own religion the right to be silent if you are arrested.

Bill of Rights Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Right to bear arms. Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Search and arrest Amendment 4 Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases Amendment 5 Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial Amendment 6 Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment Amendment 7 Amendment 8 Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People Amendment 9 Amendment 10 States' rights Amendment 10

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1775)

Complete these questions for some extra credit.

1. What year was the Constitution ratified?

2. Name 3 powers that the Constitution creates.

3. What was Ben Franklin ‘s opinion after the Constitution was ratified?

5. Name the Bill of Rights, and what they do?

your answers to

4. How can knowledge of the Bill of Rights protect you in 2012?