Student will be able to identify how the process of addiction for the addict matches the process of dysfunction for the family of the addict and how addiction tends to follow family generational patterns.
People feel free to talk about inside feelings People compulsively protect inside feelings All feelings are okayOnly “certain” feelings okay Person more important than performance Performance more important than the person All subjects are open to discussion Many taboo subjects, lots of secrets Individual differences are accepted Everyone must conform to Strongest person’s ideas/values Few “shoulds”Lots of “shoulds” Atmosphere is relaxedAtmosphere is tense Happy, joyousLots of anger and fear
Each person is respons- ible for his/her own actions Lots of control, lots of criticism Respectful criticisms and appropriate consequences for actions Punishment and shaming People have energyPeople feel tired People feel loving People feel hurt, disappointed Growth is celebratedGrowth is discouraged People have high self-worthPeople have low self-worth Strong parental coalitionCoalitions across generations
The Progression of the Disease Within the Family Early Stages The Alcoholic The Family Extra drinks, gulping drinks Sneaking drinks, Blackouts Excuses Awareness of problems: Money House chores, sex, etc. Nagging starts the need to control begins Begins to deny and to Rationalize Begins to deny and to rationalize (or divorce and marry another Alcoholic) Sleep Problems Anxiety
Middle Stages The Alcoholic The Family Loss of Control - Periods of abstinence to “prove” he/she is still in control Begins to cover up for the Alcoholic – Goes to work Obtaining promises Changing drinking style, Alibis Aggressiveness, Morning drinks Loss of self-respect – Insecurity Fear and anxiety Withdrawing, geographical cure Undoing Begins to threaten, withdraw Possible divorce/reconciling Hypertension, abnormal gas Sleep problems worse GI problems Hypertension, over/under eating Sleep problems worse GI problems
Advanced or Chronic The Alcoholic The Family Binge drinking – Unknown fears Tremors – Deterioration In all areas: Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Etc. Assume blame for drinking Deterioration – No self respect Retaliation: Affairs, spending, Neglect of family Tries Pills Suicide Depression Anorexia Cardiac Arrhythmia Possible: Pills, attempted suicide Sincere search for help Depression Eating Disorder Palpitations