Cloud Computing Cosa, come e perché? Giancarlo Lelli Microsoft MVP – Avanade
Cosa è il cloud?
“Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive…”
Why the cloud?
Rapidly setup environments to drive business priorities Scale to meet peak demands Increase daily activities, efficiency and reduced cost. Why the cloud?
On Premises You scale, make resilient and manage Infrastructure (as a Service) Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime Managed by vendor You scale, make resilient & manage Platform (as a Service) Scale, resilience and management by vendor You manage Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data Hosting models Software (as a Service) Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data Business model Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime Scale, resilience and management by vendor
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. It provides both PaaS and IaaS services and supports many different programming languages, tools and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems.
Support for Open Source Languages CMS Devices Databases / Apps Operating systems Management
Azure Services
Web Apps
Develop apps with….NET | Node.js | PHP | Python | Java
WEB APPS Full capability set available including:.NET, Node.js, Java, PHP, and Python WebJobs for long running tasks Integrated VS publish, remote debug… CI with GitHub, BitBucket, VSO Auto-load balance, Autoscale, Geo DR Web apps run as-is no changes required
Sample Scenarios to Get Started with Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark
Free Tools Visual Studio Community Visual Studio Code
Mobile Apps
Azure Mobile App Storage Authentication Push Notification
Cross-plat SDKs Mobile SDKs Gateway to backend capabilities Data / Notifications / Auth Native Cross-Platform Cordova/PhoneGap Xamarin Sencha Titanium HTML5/JS.NET and node.js back-ends available Native SDKs Android iOS Window s Client SDKs
Useful links Overview Azure 4 DreamSpark e Overview a Azure Azure4Dreamspark Come attivare dreamspark Introduzione alle Azure Web App Creazione di una Web App ASP.NET MVC utilizzando Visual Studio e MySQL come database ASPNET-MVC--MySQL-in-Visual-Studio Creazione di una Web App in PHP, con database MySQL e distribuzione del codice via FTP MySQL-via-FTP Crazione di una Web App utilizzando template Wordpress template-di-Wordpress Hosted Web App: dal sito web all’app mobile Azure4Dreamspark ASPNET-MVC--MySQL-in-Visual-Studio MySQL-via-FTP template-di-Wordpress
Questions? Ask in our Forums Sviluppo su Azure: SQL Server: Windows 10 Infra: Windows server 2012 e 2008: Sharepoint e Visual Studio: Windows Store e Universal Windows Platform:
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