Lesson 10: Expressing Emotions & Managing Stress Why it’s important?: Stress is linked to many of the ten leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and injuries.
Learning Targets I can explain the mind-body connection I discuss hidden anger, anger cues, and anger-management skills Explain the bodily changes caused by stress during each of the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome. Identify life changes that are most stressful for teens. List & discuss stress-management skills.
The Mind-Body Connection Emotion ◦ A specific feeling ◦What types of emotions have you felt? ◦Have you ever felt multiple emotions at once? When/why? Mind-body Connection ◦The relationship between a person’s thoughts, emotions and bodily responses ◦What does this mean? Examples..
Mind-Body Connection Psychosomatic Disease ◦a physical illness or disorder that is caused or aggravated by emotional responses. Examples : Headache, stomach ache
Anger Anger ◦The feeling of being irritated or annoyed. Cue ◦A body change that occurs when a person is angry. Trigger ◦A thought or event that causes a person to become angry.
Happy Thursday!! Agenda: ◦Today’s goals ◦Partners + discussion ◦PowerPoint ◦Article
Today’s Goals I can discuss at least 2 anger management skills/tips. I can identify at least 1 self statement that I can use. I can explain what General Adaptation Syndrome is. I can discuss at least 2 stress management skills.
Yesterday… What did we talk about? ◦Emotion ◦Mind-body connection ◦Anger
Article: Explore Your Anger Please read the highlighted part in order… each person has a different part so we can read the entire thing together!
Class Discussion What is anger? What types of things cause anger in your life? How do you deal with anger?
Handout: 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper Skim over on your own! Put a square around the 2 numbers you think that you already do well Put a circle around the 2 numbers you think that you need to work on More examples in book P.98-99
Another Way… I-Messages ◦A way to be strong without being mean (assertive) when you are angry, upset, or disappointed with something another person has said/done. ◦Instead of "you don't listen to me" say "I feel that we aren't communicating effectively“ ◦Have you ever done this? Did it work?
And Another… Self-Statements ◦Words said to self when feeling a trigger. ◦Ex. "I can manage this situation“ ◦Does anyone have a little mantra they use? ◦Can also be used interchangeably with stress!!!
Stress - Discussion What is stress? What types of things cause stress in your life? How do you deal with stress?
Stress Stress ◦The response of the body to the demands of daily living. Can be physical, mental, social or environmental. Stressor ◦A source or cause. Stressors can be physical, mental, social, or environmental. Eustress = ______ response to a stressor. Distress = ______ response to a stressor.
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Split into 3 groups ◦~5-6 people I will assign you one stage ◦Read about it ◦Pick out the main points- write them on board ◦Quickly present it
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) A series of body changes that result from stress. 3 Stages: ◦ 1 & 2 are normal and healthful. 1. The alarm stage (adrenaline) body gets ready for quick action. ◦adrenaline = a hormone that prepares the body to react during times of stress or emergency. 2. The resistance stage = body attempts to regain internal balance. The body is no longer in the emergency state. Begin relaxing. 3. The exhaustion stage = wear & tear on the body increase the risk of injury, illness & premature death.
Stress Video Teens, Family & Stress High School Student Stress
How Does Stress Affect Your Health? Difficult to think clearly Headaches Depression Relationships Hinder immune system ◦Nutrition. ◦Adrenaline uses up its supply of vitamins B & C
How to Deal with Stress Exercise Talk to someone ◦ *even though you may think that adults (parents, teachers, coaches) may not 'understand', it is still important to talk to someone! Write in a journal Eat Healthy Get rest & sleep Time Management Plan – Prioritize Read about them!! P
Review of Goals I can discuss at least 2 anger management skills/tips. ◦Turn to a neighbor and share! I can identify at least 1 self statement that I can use. ◦Write one on the board! I can name the 3 steps of General Adaptation Syndrome. ◦Can you think of all 3 in your head? I can discuss at least 2 stress management skills. ◦Share with me!
Tests & Test Corrections Hand back Quick Review ◦Pay attention to purple pen ◦Average= 83% ◦READ ALL DIRECTIONS!!! ◦You can make-up, up to HALF of missed points ◦Re-write your answers on a NEW paper and attach it to your test! ◦Hand in FIRST thing FRIDAY!!!!