City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Portland Design Commission EA DA New NE MLK & Multnomah September 20, 2012
Zoning & Approval Criteria CXd: Central Commercial w/ Design Overlay Type III Design Review Approval criteria: “Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines” and the “Special Design Guidelines for the Design Zone of the Lloyd District of the Central City Plan”
SW College Street Design Advice Request Focus Site Plan Ground Level programming Superblock regulations Future phases, including open space integration
SW College Street Project Summary 6-story apartment building (179 residential units) Ground level retail Underground parking, access from NE Multnomah (89 spaces) Mid-block private drive with open spaces (16 “on-street” parking) Phase 1 of multi-phase redevelopment of block – future phases to be done by different ownerships
SW College Street SW 5th Avenue Purpose of Superblock Regulations “The intent is to promote a pleasant and convenient walkway and open area system on the superblock that links to adjacent buildings, to the public circulation system, and to any available public transit. The requirements also promote the maintenance of light, air and access that could be lost due to development on the vacated street.”
Lloyd District Design Guidelines to highlight with regard to Superblocks A3-1. Provide and support a convenient pedestrian linkage through the superblocks between the Convention Center and Lloyd Center. A3-2. Make superblock plazas and public spaces in superblocks fronting on Holladay Street inviting and easily accessible from Holladay. Public spaces should be visually connected to Holladay. Public/private spaces are also encouraged to be visually connected with adjacent public improvements. A5-1. Encourage the inclusion of features in the design of projects that give projects identity and a sense of place or significance within the District. A5-7. Integrate the Civic Campus into the Lloyd District in a manner that provides a cohesive link westerly to the river and easterly to the core of the Lloyd District.
Site Photos
SW 5th Avenue Site Photos
Discussion topics Superblock regulations, including a Modification request to allow the plaza to exceed the 3:1 ratio of plaza length to plaza width Per B.: How does this plan influence future development? Expectations for future development based on Block A’s development proposal? First floor plan layout - entrances, programming Anticipated end walls facing east