Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) 4/15/2015 Update to RMS 5/5/2015
2 COPS UPDATE TAC approved the 2015 COPS Goals as presented TAC approved LPGRR054, Alignment with NPRR661, Discontinue Posting Profile Data Evaluation
3 COPS UPDATE COPS Settlement Stability Data Review –Protocol Section 8.2, ERCOT Performance Monitoring, includes several settlement stability tracking requirements, such as: o Number of price changes o Number and types of disputes o Compliance with timeliness of disputes o Availability of ESI ID consumption data o QSE load allocated charge type totals by month –ERCOT provided an initial quarterly report for 1Q 2015 and requested feedback o See ‘COPS Update Settlement Performance 1Q ’ document under the COPS 4/15/2015 meeting Key Documents
4 Communications and Settlements Working Group (CSWS) TAC requested that COPS develop an Unregistered Distributed Generation (DG) Threshold Trigger Communication Plan –Special meeting scheduled to develop the communications plan CSWG Distribution Generation Communications Meeting May 4, 2015, 1:30 PM, ERCOT Austin and WebEx Nodal Settlement Handbook, fka Nodal Settlement Operating Guide –Changed name to clarify that it is not a binding document and to avoid a formal change process –Broadening scope to include shadow settlement for charge types not in the ERCOT matrix, e.g. ERS –Broadening scope to include settlement-related workflows, not on settlement statements, e.g. ERO fee
5 Market Information System User Group (MISUG) Working on New NOGRR –Proposes changes to the existing NOGRR084, Daily Grid Operations Summary Report, Grey Boxed language –New IA will be created with new price tag SCR775, Posting Results of RT Data in a Display Format –A layout and displayed time period have been finalized –Implementation is targeted for 6/26/2015 Revision Request for reports recommended for discontinuation / decommissioning making their way through the stakeholder process Preliminary External Web Services (EWS) modifications under discussion –ERCOT is working on a survey that will be sent to MPs regarding preferences and interests in the near future
6 Profiling Working Group (PWG) LPGRR055, Extend Load Profile Model Calendar Inputs to 2030 –Administrative change that extends the Load Profile Model calendar-related input from 2020 to 2030 –Review of IA at next PWG meeting Load Profiling Guide – Under Review –PWG will be addressing the following questions: o Why do we still need it? (See Appendix A for list of reasons presented to TAC) o Do Load Shapes need updating?
7 The next COPS meeting is scheduled for May 13, Questions?
8 Appendix A Load Profiling Guide: Why do we still need it? Non-AMS ESI IDs – Need to have documentation of the rules which govern them AMS Data Gaps - Communication failures result in TDSPs relying on load profiles to estimate interval consumption Load Forecasting – By ERCOT and REPs Procurement – Allows for hedging strategies; Grouping of “classes” of customers Pricing – REPs’ pricing systems may not yet be capable of utilizing AMS interval data during the price quotation process, so they utilize load profiles to accurately quote a customer a commodity price Settlement – During the time an AMS meter is provisioned, prior to the AMS Settlement flag being activated (up to 30 days), an ESI ID is settled in the market based on their load profile Marketing Efforts – Load profiles allow for segmenting / targeting groups of customers