Course Master Schedule/Resource Requirement List Authoritative Data Sources. (CeTARS or AIM CPM) Identify Current CMS Business rules and deficiencies Identify Processes affected and Deliverables produced by CMS. Review CMS Terms and Associated Definitions Propose New Terms (Data Elements) Assessment Types Training/Assessment Environment Review associated List of Values (LOVs) Training Delivery Methods Training Delivery Sources Training(Event) Types Update Governance Adjudicate via all NETC Stakeholders Develop CMS Instruction Update NAVEDTRAs Identify IT System Changes Present new CMS structure to Functional Manager Group Identify changes needed to applications Identify changes needed to system data interfaces 1 AIM FRB CMS Discussion Slide
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CMS Business Rules and Deficiencies 3 Current CMSs will be developed for an eight (8)-hour instructional day. New or revised courses will be validated using a standard eight (8) hour instructional day to determine instructor and equipment requirements. Standard training periods shall be 60 minutes and should consist of 50 minutes of instruction with a 10 minute break. (NAVEDTRA 135C) Every CIN/CDP will have a CMS (NETCINST A) COs shall ensure that the student/instructor ration is the highest ration possible without serious determent to the quality and safety of the training. (NAVEDTRA 135C) Physical training and medical or dental time directly related to or required for the technical course completion, or required as a prerequisite or follow-on technical training, may be included in the CMS and considered workload in instructor requirements computations only if technical training instructors not in a duty or watch status are required to participate in those evolutions. (NAVEDTRA 135C) Approved non-technical training subjects scheduled outside the 40-hour technical training workweek will be included in the CMS and considered workload in instructor requirements computations if technical training instructors are required to do the training. (NAVEDTRA 135C) A CMS will be reviewed annually or updated as changes are approved. (NETCINST A / Information from Draft NETCNOTE) Recommended Additions Recommend 8 hour training block be a built as a recommendation, with the ability for flexibility in entered time lengths Recommend the ability to indicate and execute a Pilot CMS Recommend the ability to accurately indicate and execute a Hybrid Course Recommend the ability to schedule a course with simultaneous topics taught in one CMS. i.e. Classroom/Lab 8 hour training block be a built as a recommendation, with the ability for flexibility in entered time lengths
4 CMS Process and Deliverables 4 Processes Instructor Utilization Instructor Staffing End to End (E2E) Annual Class Schedule (ACS) Creation Feasibility Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Training Course Control Document (TCCD) Development / Training Project Plan (TPP) Resource Scheduling Instructor Certification Training Path Analysis Change Review Board (CRB) Analysis AI Prediction for Cross Functional Team 2 (CFT2) Usage Human Performance Requirements Reviews (HPPRs) Deliverables Course Specific Topics (Enabling Learning Objective (ELO)) Course Length (Feeds Feasibility) Instructor Skill Set Criteria (General, Specific) Training Delivery Methods Training Delivery Sources Topic Requirements (Theory/Lab, Student/Instructor (S:I) Ratio, Length, Medical, Safety) Class Size Instructor Contact Hours Bottleneck Ratios Capacity Constraints (Personnel/Equipment/Space) Pilot CMS (Y/N) Curriculum Hours Instructional Days (Weekends/Holidays)