Chapter 8 Mental and Emotional Health
Mental Health Positive outlook Being comfortable with others Allow others to get close to you OK to feel shy and anger some of time Generally like and trust others Makes friends but can address a problem if needed
Mental Health Being able to meet demands of life 1. Face problems as they arise 2. Deal with minor issues 3.Seek help with big issues 4.Develop decision making and coping skills Can you have good mental health and still have a bad day?
Mental Health Signs of good mental health pg. 187 Roadblocks to good mental health 1.All-or-nothing thinking 2. Expect the worst 3.Being a perfectionists 4.Let actions or words betray your values
Mental Health Promoting a positive self-image on pg. 188 Self-esteem and mental health Positive and negative feedback Messages from others. Can be verbal and non-verbal When do you start processing feedback? Self talk-Constructive criticism – good or bad?
Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow pyramid on pg. 191 Physical needs-food, water, shelter. Most basic needs to survive. Emotional needs-love, belong, value. We are social beings and if these are not met we will use negative means to get them Aesthetic needs-artistic, balance and order in life. Explore and understand Self-actualization-reach full potential in life. Need goals and ideas to motivate you to achieve your best. When should this occur in life?
Personality Set of characteristics that make you unique 3 factors develop personality Heredity-basic traits : hair color, eye color, body shape, etc. Environment-all of your surroundings. What can happen if your environment is not ideal?
Personality Personal behavior – you have most control over this. Mostly based on your values. Where do you develop your values from? Psychologist are professionals with medical degrees who diagnose and treat emotional and behavioral disorders. Modeling – how does it affect you personality?
Emotions Signals that tell your mind and body how to react Types of emotions: Love-affection, concern and respect Empathy-feel for someone else. Walk in their shoes Fear-sympathetic nervous system reacts to get body ready for action. Hormones released to increase HR, breathing rate.Top ten fears pg. 200 Phobias-unusual fear that can alter life
Emotions Anger- must deal with it in positive way. Venting-good or bad? Hostility- use of unfriendly behavior. Can lead to health problems Guilt- emotional response when you feel you have done something wrong. Values affect this also.
Dealing with emotions Are you in a very emotional time as a teenager? What cause different emotions? Hormones in body, changes in life. Different ways to express emotions. Many learned as you grow up. Can emotions help you in life?
Dealing with Emotions sCXXsCNMNs&feature=relatedhttp:// sCXXsCNMNs&feature=related
Emotions Fight or flight – what can trigger this to occur? Changes in body? Ways to manage anger pg. 204 Defense Mechanisms-strategies used to deal with strong or stressful emotions and situations. Resiliency- ability to bounce back. Are teenagers resilient?
Defense Mechanisms Denial-refuse to accept reality Escape or fantasy-run away by daydreaming, reading, sleep Rationalization-justify behavior or action with excuse vs admitting failure Projection-protect ones own self-esteem by blaming others Repression or suppression-forgetting on purpose.
Defense Mechanisms Identification or idealization -model behavior after one you like. Hero worship Displacement-take frustration out on other people or things Regression-retreat to earlier time in life that was less threatening or responsible. Compensation-wanting to cover up weaknesses and mistakes through gift- giving, hard work or extreme efforts.
Defense Mechanisms Sublimation-take unacceptable behavior and turn it into a positive.