Employable Training Hytech Vocational & Technical Training Foundation (HVTTF)
Unemployment and Poverty Total labor force of Pakistan is about 60 million. Total unemployment rate has increased from 5.6 percent in to 6.0 percent in Illiteracy level of the country is 60 percent due to 70 percent dropout of children before 8 th class. Buildings for technical training can only train upto 300,000 students per year To train 3 million youth per year, workplace training model has to be followed and implemented
Employment Opportunities Pakistan’s Livestock and Agriculture is the largest employer. (approx. 30 million) Agriculture GDP is $40 billion out of $200 billion Agriculture and industry should be synergized for maximum employment and enhancement of GDP ▫ Cotton and Textile sector ▫ Milk and Milk processing ▫ Fruit and Food Processing ▫ Agriculture implements and Engineering
HVTTF Training Strategy Train youth in high growth areas for quick employment. For example ▫Motorcycle Mechanics ▫ Dairy Farming ▫ Retail Marketing
HVTTF and Hybrid Training Programs Motorcycle Mechanics (financed by EU, Kingdom of Netherland, Republic of Germany) Agriculture Implements – welding (USAID) Service Shoes – Retail Sales person (USAID) Livestock Workers (Haleeb, USAID) Village Milk Collection Agents & Milk Collection Centre In charge
Benefits of Workplace Training in Motor Cycle Mechanics The shop becomes a training centre thus reducing set-up costs The instructor can demonstrate on real equipment Trainee has an opportunity to look at seniors and learn Trainee can observe his colleagues practicing the same methods and improve his own understanding Trainee has an opportunity to meet users of the equipment for enhancement of knowledge
Employment HVTTF and Hybrid has trained more than thousand trainees in livestock and engineering sectors and 90 percent are gainfully employed Employment opportunities are created in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in each field Each stakeholder must be a financial beneficiary of the training process
Self-employment After working under supervision, a trainee is ready to work for himself after a year The trainee requires a tool-kit of his or her trade to practice from home independently The trainee needs to be taught book-keeping and financial controls along with basic marketing skills to be self-employed
Motorcycle Mechanics
Service Shoes – Retail Sales person (USAID )
Livestock Workers (Haleeb, USAID)
Village Milk Collection Agents & Milk Collection Centre In-charge
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