ISTU Progress report. 2 nd year resume Ms. Varvara PANKO, assistant contact person Irkutsk State Technical University 2012
Activity 1.1. Training courses in Bologna process and ECTS requirements Purchase of office equipment for presentations (projector) Activity 1.2. Retraining courses in IT and methodology Training course in standards and architectures for multimedia applications by professor Jaime Delgado (UPC) at MIET in May 2011 Training course in discrete event simulations by Dr. Alexander Klein (TUM) at SFU in October 2011 TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 1. ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF RETRAINED
Activity 1.3. Training courses in English Regular courses held at ISTU in the amount 240 academic hours for ISTU project participants (11 persons) from to English classes held by visiting trainer from Great Britain “Advanced English for IT academics” at TUM in July 2011 (4 persons from ISTU) TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 1. ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF RETRAINED
Activity 2.2. Development of teaching materials in RU and EN Course “Information security and data protection” RUEN Syllabus Textbook 90% Instructions for lab works 50% Presentations for lectures TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 2. COURSE DEVELOPMENT
Activity 2.2. Development of teaching materials in RU and EN Course “Philosophy of natural, human and technical sciences” RUEN Syllabus Textbook 60% Instructions for seminars Presentations for lectures TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 2. COURSE DEVELOPMENT
Activity 3.1. Equipment of MPNC with hardware and software Purchase of laboratory equipment for EUR (co-financed by ISTU) Activity 3.2. Retraining of laboratory staff Participation of 2 ISTU laboratory staff in CISCO courses at New University of Lisbon in November-December 2011 TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 3. NEW LABORATORY FACILITIES INSTALLED
Activity 4.1. Information platform Update of information about current state of project implementation at ISTU on MoNetCom web-sites: - - Activity 4.2. Training courses Training courses for external participants in October 2011 Agreement was reached by RU partners to hold final dissemination conference in ISTU in September Justification was sent to TUM in October 2011 TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 4. DISSEMINATION
Activity 5.1. Including MPNC in educational programs of ISTU Preparation of the launch of the program in September Approval of program launch by ISTU Academic Board Advertising of the program among ISTU students TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 5. SUSTAINABILITY
Review of course books by local and external experts Preparation for accreditation of course book in Information security at Russian Education and Methodical Association: documents: textbook, reviews, support letter from the University, protocol of department meeting Visit to Moscow (Bauman State Technical University) Payment for textbook accreditation TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 6. QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING
Activity 7.1. Staff meetings 2 nd coordination meeting in UPC from to RU project partner coordination meeting in ISTU from to Activity 7.2. Coordination Coordination of project implementation at ISTU Timely and correct reporting to RU project coordinator TEMPUS Project MoNetCom WP 7. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT
Thank you for your attention! TEMPUS Project MoNetCom