CCDF Reauthorization Child Care Regulation Updates Broward County Provider Meeting June 15 th, 2016
CCDF Reauthorization Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 was signed into law 11/19/14 Reauthorizes Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program for first time since 1996 CCDF is $5.3B block grant that gives funds to states to provide access to child care services for low- income families and improve child care quality Source: ACF Office of Child Care 2 What is it?
CCDF Reauthorization CCDBG Act of 2014 reauthorizes CCDF through FY 2020 and re-envisions program Focuses on balancing two purposes better 1.Promoting economic self-sufficiency for low- income families 2.Supporting children’s healthy development and school readiness needs 3 What is it?
CCDF Reauthorization Promote parent and family member involvement in their children’s development in child care settings Deliver high-quality, coordinated early childhood care and education services that maximize parents’ options and support Improve child care and development of participating children 4 Enhancing the purpose
CCDF Reauthorization Improving overall quality of child care services and programs by implementing health, safety, licensing, training and oversight standards Increasing number and percentage of low- income children in high-quality child care settings 5 Enhancing the purpose
CCDF Reauthorization Program advancements Defines health and safety requirements for child care providers Requires in-depth background checks on providers and inspection of facilities Calls for family-friendly eligibility policies Expects greater accountability and transparency for provider information to help parents better understand available child care choices 6 What is its scope?
CCDF Reauthorization Key reauthorization features Health and safety Criminal background checks Monitoring and inspections Training and professional development Eligibility policies Consumer education Source: ACF Office of Child Care Family engagement Increased quality spending Infants and toddlers Payment rates and provider payment practices Underserved populations Tribal provisions
CCDF Reauthorization Keeping children safe and healthy 1.Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization) 2.SIDS and safe sleep practices 3.Administration of medication 4.Prevention/response to food allergies 5.Building and physical premises safety, including identifying electrical hazards, bodies of water and vehicular traffic 6.Shaken baby syndrome and head trauma 7.Emergency preparedness and response planning 8.Storage of hazardous materials and bio contaminants 9.Precautions in transporting children, if applicable 10.First-aid and CPR States must establish policies and provide training in these areas Source: ACF Office of Child Care REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Sept. 30, 2016
CCDF Reauthorization Keeping children safe and healthy States must… Establish standards for group size limits and appropriate child-to-provider ratios Explain any exemptions to licensing and why exemptions do not endanger health and safety of children in care of such providers Establish pre-service (prior to initial service) or orientation (up to three months) training requirements appropriate to provider setting that meets all required areas (on prior slide) (Should be part of Professional Development Progression) REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Sept. 30, 2016 Certify that providers comply with child abuse reporting requirements REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Nov. 19, 2016 Source: ACF Office of Child Care
CCDF Reauthorization Criminal background checks… Requires state to conduct criminal background checks on all child care providers and their staff members Includes child care staff members who don’t care directly for children but have unsupervised access to children Conducted at least every five years Includes state criminal and sex offender registry and state child abuse and neglect registry in any state where staff member has resided over past five years Keeping children safe and healthy Source: ACF Office of Child Care REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Sept. 30, 2017
CCDF Reauthorization Monitoring and regulatory requirements for licensed and license- exempt CCDF providers Licensed CCDF providers – conduct pre-licensure and annual unannounced inspection for health, safety and fire standards. License-exempt CCDF providers – conduct annual inspections for compliance with health, safety and fire standards Child care inspectors must be qualified and receive appropriate training Ratio of inspectors to providers must be sufficient to conduct timely visits REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Nov. 19, 2016 Results of monitoring and inspection reports must be user-friendly and maintained on public website REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Nov. 19, 2017 Keeping children safe and healthy Source: ACF Office of Child Care
CCDF Reauthorization Promote family engagement/ consumer education Transparency –Website with provider-specific information showing results of monitoring and inspection reports –Website describing licensing/monitoring requirements and background screening process –Reporting on # of deaths, serious injuries and instances of child abuse in child care settings
CCDF Reauthorization State of Florida Law Changes
CCDF Reauthorization Health and Safety Monitoring (School Readiness Providers) –Annually conducted by licensing staff Training Requirements (School Readiness Providers) –Timeframes for completion of training –Increase in annual in service training hours Background Screening (All Providers) –New components used to determine qualification Group Size and Staff to Child Ratio (School Readiness Providers) –Establish Group Size and Staff to Child Ratio HB Passed
CCDF Reauthorization Any provider that accepts school readiness funds must allow the department or local licensing authority to perform inspections to verify compliance with health and safety standards This applies to licensed and license-exempt providers 15 Health and Safety Monitoring
CCDF Reauthorization Establish pre-service and in-service training requirements –School readiness child development standards –Health and safety requirements –Social-emotional behavior intervention models –Pre-service timeframes (completion within 3 months –In-service Training (annual hours total 24) 16 Training Requirements
CCDF Reauthorization Disqualification may not be removed and exemptions may not be granted for any of the specified crimes for all child care personnel (HB 1125) –Rescreening of child care personnel working with an exemption for background screening must be rescreened by August 1 st, Employment history checks must be completed for preceding 5 years Search of criminal history records, sexual predator and sexual offender registry, and child abuse and neglect registry for any state in which the applicant resided in the past 5 years 17 Background Screening
CCDF Reauthorization All child care personnel must be rescreened under the new law requirements by September 2017: –Child Care Program Office and the Background Screening unit will create a public awareness campaign on the new law changes –Develop a plan for implementation for rescreening for all personnel (estimated 58,000) –Advise regions of the plan and the timeframe for implementation –Technical Assistance comment will be provided to add to inspection reports 18 Background Screening
CCDF Reauthorization Contract to Participate in School Readiness with local ELC: Licensed Child Care Facilities Licensed Family Day Care Homes Registered Family Day Care Homes Religious Exempt Child Care Facilities Non Public Schools Informal Child Care Providers Public Schools Other exempt/non licensed provider types 19 Provider Types Impacted
CCDF Reauthorization Specific templates will be used for license exempt providers- Inspected Annually Licensed Providers will have additional standards added to current templates- Inspected Annually Health and Safety standards will be adopted by OEL in rule 20 The Inspection
CCDF Reauthorization Both OEL and DCF must update existing rules regarding health and safety, background screening and monitoring requirements Inspection templates will be developed for all new provider types Existing inspection templates will be updated with rule revisions and additional standards Training for newly hired licensing staff and supervisor in July So What Happens Next?
CCDF Reauthorization 22 Dinah Davis Policy Manager (850)