This document is the property of EADS SPACE. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement.Its content shall not be disclosed. © EADS SPACE All the space you need Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Flight / Ground Procedure Development
All the space you need Page 1 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Stowage O4 HRF 2 A4 System D3 Stowage D4 HRF 1 F4 MARES F3 MSG F2 EDR F1 Stowage O3 ETC O2 FSL O1 EPM A3 Biolab A2 ER 6 A1 System D1 System D2 Port Cone Star- Board Cone Rack Nomenclature: O: Overhead A:Aft D:Deck F:Forward
All the space you need Page 2 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Joint ODF Procedures NASA ISPR mechanical Installation (generic proc. available, further specific procedures needed - T.B.C. ) NASA ISPR Configuration & Set-Up (NASA task) COL-to-NASA P/L Services Activation (ESA task) ISPR Rack Activation & Checkout (joint ESA / NASA task) Nominal Procedures *) Malfunction Procedures *) *) Identify joint operation tasks / procedures All procedures to be established in ODF standard format
All the space you need Page 3 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Example of procedure task definition (ESA rack) : Pre-conditions: COL S/Ss configuration (e.g. HRM, VDPU) VTC config. for Caution & Warning and Smoke Sensor COL-to-ESA P/L Services Activation -ancillary data activation -enable HLCU I/F to COL HRM -P/L MIL-Bus RT acquisition and monitoring services -load P/L H&S monitoring table in PLCU -P/L lateral transfer packet activation
All the space you need Page 4 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module ESA ISPR Rack Activation & Checkout -P/L MIL-Bus H&S data acquisition and verification -cooling activation (WFSV position) -power activation (PDU main/aux bus) -C&W activation NASA Rack activation pre-conditions: T.B.defined COL P/L Services activation Front Panel / Switch configuration check by crew NASA Rack activation (cooling,power, GN2 & V&V)
All the space you need Page 5 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Procedure Validation Approach Validation environment (to be defined) Validation facilities (to be identified) Validation levels (to be allocated) -Desktop review -Simulation -testing with ground model
All the space you need Page 6 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Issues to be clarified: Who is doing what on NASA side ? : -POIC team -US P/L developers => Contractual set-up, share of tasks, responsibilities Point of Contact List Establish counterparts NASA ESA / EADS-ST
All the space you need Page 7 Operating US P/Ls in Columbus – US Payload Ops in COL.ppt – / EADS-ST POI Team Operating US Payloads in Columbus Module Joint Planning: Task identification and allocation Flight procedures preparation Schedule: ODF procedure preparation (authoring and validation) Meetings / TIMs needed e.t.c