F OOD S AFETY FOR S UMMERTIME preventing food-borne illnesses
W HAT HAPPENS IN THE S UMMERTIME ? Risk for food poisoning goes up Bacteria flourish in humidity Lack of sanitized environments It’s important to think about food safety and prevent foodborne illnesses.
H ANDLE FOOD SAFELY Always wash your hands before and after handling food (soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Always serve food on clean plates Keep kitchen, dishes and utensils clean Keep raw food separate from cooked food Don’t use the same plate and utensils for raw and cooked meat/poultry Raw meat and poultry contain harmful bacteria in their juices that can contaminate cooked food.
B EFORE GRILLING … Keep meat at the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, to prevent juice from dripping into other food Keep meat refrigerated or in a cooler, until ready for use Keep hot food hot, cold food cold Marinate food in the refrigerator, not on the counter If possible, precook food on a stove to reduce grilling time.
G RILLING TIME ! Cook fresh and frozen raw meat, poultry, and fish thoroughly (about 160°F) Keep cooked meats hot by setting them to the side of the grill rack, in a warm oven, or a warming tray In hot weather (>90°F), food should never sit out for more than an hour. Place leftovers in the refrigerator right away
T EMPERATURE GUIDE 165°F : poultry, whole, or ground, stuffed meats, fish, pasta, reheated leftovers, microwaved foods 155°F : ground meats, meatloaf, eggs cooked in batches 145°F : beef lamb, pork, veal, roasts (hold for 4 minutes), fish, shellfish, eggs served immediately Anything with 4 legs or no legs! To kill bacteria and viruses that may be in specific foods Use a thermometer - Insert into thickest portion of the food for 15 seconds