Project Based Learning Project Based Learning Institute June 2012 Jean Deller, Ph.D.
What is Project Based Learning?
Project Based Learning is…. 1.Inquiry-based educational methodology 2.Complex question, problem, or challenge 3.Requires a researched response 4.Often interdepartmental
Project Based Learning is not…. 1.A group project 2.An opportunity for teachers to do nothing
21 st Century Skills Core Subjects and 21 st Century Themes Learning and Innovation Skills Information, Media, and Technology Skills Life and Career Skills
Core Subjects English, Reading and/or Language Arts, World Languages, the Arts, Mathematics, Economics, Science, Geography, History, Government, Civics.
21 st Century Themes Interdisciplinary Learning Global Awareness; Financial, Economic, Business, and Entrepreneurial Literacy; Civic Literacy; Health Literacy; Environmental Literacy
Learning and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity
Information, Media, and Tech Skills Use information systems Research using credible sources Explore and use appropriate technology It is not….. Keyboarding Internet free time Using outdate information systems
Life and Career Skills Flexibility and adaptability Initiative and self-direction Social and cross-cultural skills Productivity and accountability Leadership and responsibility
Habits of the mind What behaviors are indicative of the efficient, effective problem solver? What do they do when they behave intelligently?
Habits of the Mind….Examples HABITS OF THE MIND Persisting Managing Impulsivity Listening to others effectively Thinking flexibly Striving for Accuracy Striving for Precision Questioning/Posing Problems Applying previous knowledge Gathering Data using all senses Creating, Imagining Innovating Responding with awe Taking responsible risks Finding humor Thinking interdependently Learning Continuously
The End Product What do you want your students to do, produce, know? How will you know students have learned content and 21 st Century skills? How do you help students go deeper than a group project?
The Six A’s Authenticity Academic Rigor Applied Learning Active Exploration Adult Connections Assessment Practices