MIDD 1e Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP) Education and Training MIDD Oversight Committee April 25, 2013 Margaret Soukup, MA
Reason for Inclusion of the Strategy Need for increase capacity of qualified counselors qualified to meet the needs of people needing treatment. Original Need: Statewide Treatment Expansion Current Need: Affordable Care Act (ACA) Shortage of CD professionals = limited access Providing well trained and educated counselors = increased access and quality treatment Studies show that providing effective drug and alcohol treatment significantly reduces medical and criminal justice costs
County Policy Goals Addressed: A reduction of the number of people with mental illness and chemical dependency using costly interventions like jail, emergency rooms and hospitals A reduction of the incidence and severity of chemical dependency, mental and emotional disorders
Expected Outcomes of 1e Increased number of certified CDP’s Increased Work Force Trained in EBP’s Increased access to CD treatment with associated reduction in criminal justice involvement and admissions to hospitals emergency rooms reclaimingfutures.org
King County Youth Retention Data Begin Evidence- based Practices GAIN Seven Challenges ACRA/ACC Motivational Interviewing TF-CBT Clinical Supervision Required GAIN M90
reclaimingfutures.org Reclaiming Futures - Seattle-King County, WA KC Offender Filings
reclaimingfutures.org Reclaiming Futures - Seattle-King County, WA Detention Population
Individual and Group Treatment Engagement and Motivation Assessment Treatment Plannin g
Weekly Substance Use
Substance Problems
Withdrawal Symptoms
Comorb idity
Assessmen t (GAIN) Engageme nt and Motivation (MI) Treatment Planning (MATR) Individual Treatment (ACRA, CRA) Group Treatment (Seven Challenges, MRT)
2012 – MATR Treatment Planning Clinical Supervision2011 – Motivational Interviewing2010 – ACRA and CRA MRT Seven Challenges GAIN Assessment
reclai mingf utures.org
GAIN Biopsychosocial assessment for DSM Diagnoses ASAM Placement recommendation Provides treatment planning recommendations Outcomes monitoring Meets common reporting requirements of CARF, JCAHO, Medicaid,
MRT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based Group & individual structured exercises Enhancement of self concept Addresses beliefs & reasoning Reinforceme nt of positive behaviors & habits Assessment of current relationships
MI Collaboratio n vs. confrontation Person- centered Evocation (drawing out, not imposing) Autonomy vs. authority EmpathySelf-efficacy
Seven Challenges Cognitive Behavioral Therapy based Individual and group structured exercises Use of Published Materials for Youth Assists Decision- making / Making Changes Developmenta lly Appropriate Helps address co-occurring problems
What is funded through 1e? Chestnut Health Systems Addiction Technology Transfer Center (OHSU) Essential Learning UW School of Social Work Seven Challenges LLC Correctional Counseling INC (MRT) Tuition, Books, License fees and Clinical Supervision Science to Service/Workforce Development FTE
Next Steps: Provide new opportunities to Colleges and Universities in King County to include EBP courses and practicums in their curricula. Sustain successful EBP’s funded through Federal grants Modify Workforce Development Plan annually reclaimingfutures.org