Second page of composition book and front and back of first 4 pages Table of Contents Unit # Title Page
ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Latitude Longitude Legend/Key Scale Compass Rose Physical Map Political Map Thematic Map Climate Landform Absolute Location Relative Location
Latitude- a measure of distance north or south of the equator (right to left) Longitude- a measure of distance east or west of the line called the prime meridian (top to bottom) Legend- a tool used on a map to show important information in categories Scale- a tool used on a map to show a measure of distance from one location to another
Compass Rose- a diagram on the map that shows directions such as north, south, east and west Climate- the typical weather of a region over a long period Landforms- a feature of Earth’s surface, such as a mountain, valley or plateau Absolute Location- the exact spot on Earth where a place is found Relative Location- location of one place in relation to other places
Physical Map- a map that shows the physical features of the earth Political Map- a map that shows governmental boundaries of countries, states and counties. It usually shows major cities and capitols. Thematic Map- a map that shows a specific theme connected with a geographic area