Student: Kayukova Yuliya Research supervisor : Glotova M. V.
Young people often use slang because of vocabulary lack and in imitation to modern idols Young people often use slang because of vocabulary lack and in imitation to modern idols
The subject of the investigation is the linguistic peculiarities of the language of the youth and the motives for its creation The subject of the investigation is the linguistic peculiarities of the language of the youth and the motives for its creation
1. to give the definition to slang 1. to give the definition to slang 2. to reveal the examples of slang 2. to reveal the examples of slang 3. to prove or refute the suggested hypothesis 3. to prove or refute the suggested hypothesis
At the theoretical level I analyzed scientific literature about slang, systematized theoretical material about slang, searched and selected the scientific information on the subject. As for the reflection and presentation of the results I wrote a research report, made a computer presentation At the theoretical level I analyzed scientific literature about slang, systematized theoretical material about slang, searched and selected the scientific information on the subject. As for the reflection and presentation of the results I wrote a research report, made a computer presentation
Slang is a set of special words or new meanings of already existing words used in various groups. Slang is a set of special words or new meanings of already existing words used in various groups. Slang is very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people and is not used in serious speech or writing. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Slang is very informal language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, is often used among particular groups of people and is not used in serious speech or writing. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Connie Eble in Slang and Sociability emphasizes the social aspect in defining slang. Slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish social identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in society at large. aspect in defining slang. Slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish social identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in society at large.
english word vocabulary meaning slang meaning cool прохладныйкрутой blue голубойунылый apple яблокомолодой мужчина doll кукламилашка fly летатьпринимать наркотики
teen slang academicsocial educational process names of subjects daily round types of personality
educational process educational process aced, got reamed, bombed (did well on a test) bailed, punted, rolled bailed, punted, rolled (failed an exam); the names of institutions, subjects, the names of institutions, subjects, professions professions hardcores (tough courses); slider - an easy course in college hardcores (tough courses); slider - an easy course in college
daily round daily round bank, iron, duckets (money) rags (clothes)
englishrussianslangbottle бутылкаботтл battle сражениебатл parents родителипэрэнты birthday день рождения бёздник street улицапо стриту look смотретьлукни drink напитокдринк
Attempt to cipher the speech, to make unclear for the uninitiated. Attempt to cipher the speech, to make unclear for the uninitiated. The desire to express the emotions. The desire to express the emotions. To be identified in the company, to show that you are «one of the gang». To be identified in the company, to show that you are «one of the gang». To show "maturity", to be striking and even startling. To show "maturity", to be striking and even startling. Slang is used by the teenagers for the pure joy of making sounds, it is very creative and often humourous. Slang is used by the teenagers for the pure joy of making sounds, it is very creative and often humourous.
I studied the classification of teen slang and found that there are two types of it I studied the classification of teen slang and found that there are two types of it I revealed different examples of slang I revealed different examples of slang I proved my hypothesis that young people often use slang because of vocabulary lack and in Imitation to modern idols I proved my hypothesis that young people often use slang because of vocabulary lack and in Imitation to modern idols Slang doesn't adorn but, on the contrary, it makes the speech scanty Slang doesn't adorn but, on the contrary, it makes the speech scanty