enVisionMATH Common Core K-8 Publisher’s Criteria for the Common Core State Standards
1 K-8 Publishers’ Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Background “These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step.... It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.” - CCSSM, p.5
2 Publishers’ Criteria Who is responsible for raising student achievement? Teachers Education leaders Publishers
3 Publishers’ Criteria “Publishers too have a crucial role to play in providing the tools that teachers and students need to meet higher standards. This document, developed by the CCSSM writing team, aims to support faithful CCSSM implementation by providing criteria for materials aligned to the CCSSM.” - Publishers’ Criteria, p.1
4 Publishers’ Criteria How should alignment be judged? Ensure the alignment to the spirit of the standards
5 Publishers’ Criteria The implications of the CCSS for mathematics education are all connected to 3 key ideas: oufcs oeecchrne iorgr
6 Publishers’ Criteria The implications of the CCSS for mathematics education are all connected to 3 key ideas: focus coherence rigor
7 Publishers’ Criteria Focus: focus strongly where the standards focus ○ Concepts underlying arithmetic ○ Skills of arithmetic computation ○ Ability to apply arithmetic to solve problems Coherence: think across grades, and link to major topics within each grade ○ Standards are not isolated events to be covered ○ Connections within grades improve focus Rigor: in major topics, pursue with equal intensity ○ conceptual understanding, ○ procedural skill and fluency, and ○ applications
8 Publishers’ Criteria How to Use: ○ Informing purchases and adoptions ○ Working with previously purchased materials ○ Reviewing teacher-developed materials and guiding their development. ○ Professional development
9 Publishers’ Criteria 1. Focus on Major Work 2. Focus in Early Grades 3. Focus and Coherence through Supporting Work 4. Rigor and Balance 5. Consistent Progressions 6. Coherent Connections 7. Practice-Content Connections 8. Focus and Coherence via Practice Standards 9. Careful Attention to each Practice Standard 10. Emphasis on Mathematical Reasoning
10 Sample Rubric
11 Sample Rubric
12 Sample Rubric
13 1. Focus on Major Work In any single grade, students and teachers using the materials as designed spend the large majority of their time, approximately three-quarters, on the major work of each grade.
14 1. Focus on Major Work
15 1. Focus on Major Work
16 2. Focus in Early Grades Materials do not assess before the grade level indicated... Topic Grade introduced in the standards Probability, including chance, likely outcomes, probability models. 7 Statistical distributions, including center, variation, clumping, outliers, mean, median, mode, range, quartiles; and statistical association or trends, including two-way tables, bivariate measurement data, scatter plots, trend line, line of best fit, correlation. 6 Similarity, congruence, or geometric transformations 8 Symmetry of shapes, including line/reflection symmetry, rotational symmetry 4
17 3. Focus and Coherence through Supporting Work Supporting content does not detract from focus, but rather enhances focus and coherence simultaneously by engaging students in the major work of the grade.
18 3. Focus and Coherence through Supporting Work
19 3. Focus and Coherence through Supporting Work Children apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction as they interpret data. How many more or less?
20 4. Rigor and Balance Materials and tools reflect the balances in the Standards and help students meet the Standards’ rigorous expectations... conceptual understanding, fluency, applications...
21 4. Rigor and Balance Conceptual understanding
22 4. Rigor and Balance Conceptual understanding
23 4. Rigor and Balance Fluency
24 4. Rigor and Balance Engaging Applications
25 4. Rigor and Balance Engaging Applications
26 5. Consistent Progressions Materials are consistent with the progressions in the Standards...
27 5. Consistent Progressions
28 6. Coherent Connections Materials foster coherence through connections at a single grade, where appropriate and where required by the Standards
29 6. Coherent Connections
30 7. Practice-Content Connections Materials meaningfully connect content standards and practice standards. YOUR turn! Where does this happen in enVisionMATH Common Core?
31 7. Practice-Content Connections
32 8. Focus and Coherence via Practice Standards Materials promote focus and coherence by connecting practice standards with content that is emphasized in the Standards
33 8. Focus and Coherence via Practice Standards
34 9. Careful Attention to Each Practice Standard Materials attend to the full meaning of each practice standard. YOUR turn! Where does this happen in enVisionMATH Common Core?
35 9. Careful Attention to Each Practice Standard The Practices are featured in each lesson: - Lesson Planner - Problem-based Interactive Learning - Student Edition lesson - Listen and Look For videos
Emphasis on Mathematical Reasoning Materials support the Standards’ emphasis on mathematical reasoning...
Emphasis on Mathematical Reasoning Construct viable arguments - Problem-based Interactive Learning - Exercise sets - Problem Solving lessons - Do You Understand?
38 Publishers’ Criteria Focus: focus strongly where the standards focus ○ Concepts underlying arithmetic ○ Skills of arithmetic computation ○ Ability to apply arithmetic to solve problems Coherence: think across grades, and link to major topics in each grade ○ Standards are not isolated events to be covered ○ Connections within grades improve focus Rigor: in major topics, pursue with equal intensity ○ conceptual understanding, ○ procedural skill and fluency, and ○ applications
39 Publishers’ Criteria Implications for Pearson: ○ Comprehensive response to the Criteria ○ Use as an important touchstone for future program development