AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Academic Integrity
THE STUDENT WILL… Have an understanding of academic integrity and academic expectations.
CVHS ACADEMIC HONOR CODE Located in student planner READ IT!! You are held responsible to it; regardless of if you read it Academic honor code is a broad document Purposefully not specific on everything “Honesty, Fairness, and Academic Integrity” are catch-all words Academic dishonesty take many forms
SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE HONOR CODE INCLUDE… Turning in someone else’s work as your own Copying words or ideas without giving credit Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks Giving incorrect information about a quotation source Changing words, but copying sentence structure/idea Copying so many words it makes up the majority of your work
SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE HONOR CODE INCLUDE… (CONT.) Lying Deceiving Stealing Talking Signaling Copying from others Unauthorized usage of books, data, and study aids
BUT ALSO INCLUDES… Giving/Getting an unfair advantage Getting information from others regarding class activities, tests, quizzes, etc. Includes past tests & essays Working in a group on an individual assignment AP Human will ALWAYS indicate whether you can work in groups or not Having an electronic device out at ANY point during an assessment or quiz is considered academic dishonesty. Examples include, but are not limited to: Phones, iPods, iPads, and Laptops.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY INVOLVES ALL PARTIES INVOLVED… Helping anyone commit academic dishonesty, is a violation of the code. Doing nothing about academic dishonesty is potentially aiding it Questions?
READING YOUR SYLLABUS (CONT.) Every unit you will receive a syllabus This is your blueprint to the entire unit Dates are provided in advance for everything we do and expect of you The top will always have the Unit Project Due Date, Free Response Test Date, and Multiple Choice Date We are helping to PACE you You need to hold onto this document
THE AP EXAM The AP Exam is divided into 7 content sections Every unit will correspond to one of these sections These are also the areas we are going to be checking to see if you “know” If you learn only 5 things… Provided for the AP Exam review Macro view (forest) vs. Micro View (tree)
EXPECTATIONS ARE CYCLICAL Clicker checks on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Based on reading due for that day Vocab Quizzes on Friday (Unless Test) Vocab Quizzes are over bolded terms From reading DUE that week Example: A reading assigned the Thursday, the day before that Friday’s vocab quiz, will not be on that test Notecards are due on Friday Words on notecards are the SAME as the vocab quiz terms (From reading due that week)
NOTECARDS (DUE EVERY FRIDAY) Side 1 of Card Term Unit # Page Number Example Side 1 of Card Nation Unit #4 (Political Spaces) Getis p. 114, Fouberg 132
NOTECARDS (YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BRING TO CLASS) Side 2 of Card Definition Use in a sentence/Provide example Draw an image Example Side 2 of Card A culturally distinctive group of people occupying a particular region and bound together. The people of Kurdistan are part of the Kurdish nation, but may belong to the Turkish state
READING THE TEXTBOOK Textbooks have a structure It helps you to learn that structure Set-up like an outline, or answers questions Graphics are expensive for publishers Meaning the publisher feels that they are important LOOK at the map/picture/chart when it references it Some examples:
FOUBERG USES “KEY QUESTIONS” TO GUIDE YOU… -You should be able to answer the key questions when you are done reading -Everything underneath the key question supports the answer to it
SIZES AND COLORS CREATE AN OUTLINE OF SUPPORT…. These topics appear in this order in your textbook It is telling you: I. What are Geographic Questions? 1. Maps in the time of cholera Pandemics 2. The Spatial Perspective i. Five Themes
NOT ALL TEXTBOOKS ARE LAID OUT THE SAME…. But they all have a layout with a PURPOSE. Figure it out, it will help you study
FIGURES, PICTURES, AND GRAPHICS Figure 1.3 means the textbook wants you to LOOK at Figure stands for the chapter # and the 3 stands for the number it is in the chapter Sometimes you even have to FLIP THE PAGE or (shockingly) TURN TO ANOTHER CHAPTER! To find the image being referenced!
MAPS ARE PRETTY IMPORTANT… 1)You need to DEDICATE time to looking at the map! 1)Make sure you: 1)Know what it is a map of (Look at Title) 2)Know the key (What do the different colors mean?) 3)Where is this talked about in the textbook?
MAPS ARE PRETTY IMPORTANT…(CONT) Ask yourself about patterns!! -Do certain characteristics appear in certain regions? -Are there outliers? Take NOTES on the maps! Map questions will appear AGAIN and AGIAIN on clicker checks.
MAPS (CONT…) Use the “World Regions Mapping Sheet” On website under “general file resources” Will almost ALWAYS have some in the class to use It is RECOMMENDED you do a World Regions Mapping sheet for EVERY world map you come across Even if you do not use the sheet, follow the format List Five Facts/Patterns Found on the Map Look at the map Regionally Identify what is going on in a particular region