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Presentation transcript:


2 December 2015: Nearly 200 countries adopted the Paris Agreement on climate change o Includes national targets to reduce emissions (i.e. NDCs) to be updated every 5 years o Requires national GHG inventories every 2 years o Asks countries to submit “mid-century” Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) by 2020 U.S. support enabled countries to participate in the Agreement, submit intended NDCs, and measure and report GHGs Implementation of the Paris agreement: U.S. climate change assistance plays a pivotal role in helping countries reach, ratchet-up & report on NDC targets The Paris Agreement: U.S. leadership helps set the world on course to a low-carbon future

APG and the UNFCCC A new Climate Agreement in Paris was a top priority for President Obama. – an ambitious, durable agreement that applies to all countries, is fair, focuses both on reducing GHGs and building resilience, includes strong accountability, and ensures financial and technical assistance to those in need INDCs – U.S. target: reduce climate pollution 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025 – 186 countries came forward with INDCs LEDS and the APG – The 2015 APG milestones captured our support for the INDCs – Aligning our future support to help countries achieve their goals toward implementation of NDCs

Agency Priority Goals (APGs) Overview 4 Agency Priority Goals are reported to the White House (through OMB on performance.gov) 24 major Federal agencies set APGs APGs are two years in length and are “identified in target areas where agency leaders want to achieve near-term performance acceleration” Each APG has associated indicators, or benchmarks State and USAID have 5 joint APGs (for FY14-15): 1.Excellence in Consular Service Delivery 2.USAID Procurement Reform 3.Climate Change 4.Food Security 5.Global Health

26 EC-LEDS partner countries 5

We met all of the APG 2.0 benchmark targets 6 BenchmarksFY13FY14FY15 1. Number of countries in which USG technical assistance for low emission development strategies (LEDS) has been initiated (annual) Baseline 22 Target: 25 Actual: 25 Target: 25 Actual: Framework Milestones: Number of major milestones achieved by partner countries as a result of U.S. assistance, each reflecting significant, measurable improvement in national frameworks for low emission development (annual) Baseline 0 Target 10 Actual: 9 Target: 30 Actual: Implementation Milestones: Number of major milestones achieved by partner countries as a result of U.S. assistance, each reflecting significant, measurable improvement in LEDS implementation (annual) Baseline 0 Target: 4 Actual: 6 Target: 15 Actual: Number of officials and practitioners with strengthened capacity through participation in the LEDS Global Partnership (quarterly) Baseline 0 Target: 525 Actual: 2386 Target: 1,200 Actual: 4, Number of countries in which capacity strengthened through participation in the LEDS Global Partnership is meaningfully applied (quarterly) Baseline 0 Target: 12 Actual: 13 Target: 25 Actual: 27 Examples of achieved milestones: 12 countries received direct USG assistance to develop and submit their Post-2020 INDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Philippines – More than $120 million of private sector investments for clean energy mobilized as a result of USG assistance

FY14-15 APG Milestone Summary Over 1.7 Million MWh Energy Saved Over 1 Million Hectares Sustainably Managed 347 Million USD Mobilized 1,527 MW Renewable Electricity

Low Emission Development in Vietnam- Terhi Maganen (USAID/Vietnam) Operationalize Vietnam Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan nationwide with Ministry of Planning and Investment Develop sector green growth plans and increase capacity of seven key Government of Vietnam ministries Implement Asia’s first and only nationally mandated payments for forest ecosystem services scheme, which brings in $60 million annually Improve climate finance architecture to mobilize funds for green growth and climate change National Planning Develop inclusive and transparent approach to Provincial Green Growth Action Plan development to serve as models for other provinces Formulate provincial REDD+ Action Plans and establish cross-sector green growth working groups to undertake REDD+ Develop forest management models and leverage funds through PFES system Establish forest owners’ association to serve as advocacy platform for policy implementation and revision Provincial Adoption Promote climate smart agriculture through development of models with local level agricultural extension centers on low emissions rice and crop rotations Support forest protection and improvement of nature reserves and community forests through improved management models Enable equitable sharing of payments for forest ecosystem services benefits through forest owner and watershed boundary identification Improve energy efficiency in buildings in the five largest cities in Vietnam Local Action

FY 16 Milestones/Process EC-LEDS Database introduced for FY15 To Date- most FY16 milestones have been submitted and approved Missions will now work to hit their FY16 targets before the Oct 1, 2016 reporting deadline On track to hit our FY17 target of 100 Milestones

How To Write a Successful APG Milestone- Three Key Criteria What was accomplished?What was the USG’s role?What was the impact?

How To Write a Successful APG Milestone Milestone Example 1 - Ukraine Ukraine – Eight clean energy laws or policies approved by the Government of Ukraine and Parliament Ukraine is setting priorities in the energy sector (currently around 76% of national GHG emissions) and climate-related policies to increase the use of renewable energy and improve the efficiency of fuel and energy consumption. USAID assisted Ukraine in the development of twelve clean energy laws or polices. Ukraine surpassed its original target and achieved eight laws approved by the GOU and Parliament in FY15. These laws will improve the regulatory framework in Ukraine and contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions.

How To Write a Successful APG Milestone Milestone Example 2 - India India – Replicable model for rooftop solar deployment, with high potential to accelerate achievement of India’s National Solar Mission, implemented by State utility In FY 2015, Karnataka launched its Solar Policy with support from the USG. Through it, BESCOM, the state’s largest public distribution utility has set an ambitious target to deploy 100 MW of rooftop solar annually over 4 years (4% of the national 2018 target). This will reduce 484 million tons CO 2 e annually once the entire target is achieved. The USG supported BESCOM to address key structural gaps in the market eco-system, i.e. interconnection procedures and permitting requirements. The policy establishes an institutional framework to scale up deployment of rooftop solar that could be replicated nationally in other utilities (i.e., open-source procedures).

Activity! Partner up and draft a milestone based on your country’s LEDS work 15 minutes + 10 minute discussion

EC-LEDS Database Tour Enter.ec-leds.orgBasic layout How to Enter and Edit Milestones

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