E-cig users find it harder to quit than ordinary smokers. 영어영문학부 김범수
“The research revealed the contrary," he said. "We need further studies to answer why they cannot quit. One hypothesis is that smokers are receiving an increased nicotine dose using e-cigarettes." The research team also found daily smokers and women were more likely to have used e-cigarettes. The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health. E-cigarettes, enabling smokers to inhale a vapor of nicotine, are becoming popular. But there is still controversy over their safety. Recent studies have found that vapor particles produced in the battery-powered devices might increase the risk of disease. In February, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University found e-cigarettes could affect the lungs, causing inflammation and protein damage. A new study has found people who use electronic cigarettes are less likely t o quit than ordinary smokers. / Screen capture from YouTube By Lee Min-hyung People who use electronic cigarettes are less likely to quit than regular cigarette smokers, according to a U.S. study Monday. The University of California San Diego School of Medicine study found smokers who used e-cigarettes were 59 percent less likely to quit and 49 percent less likely to decrease use than smokers who had never used e-cigarettes. The research team tracked 1,000 California smokers at two points one year apart. "Based on the idea that smokers use e-cigarettes to quit smoking, we hypothesized that smokers who used these products would be more successful in quitting," said Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy, lead researcher at the Department of Family Health and Public Health. But the result was inconsistent with the hypothesis.