Objective Focus has been on 2008 base year inventory While Fairbanks grows slowly, useful to review growth and control surrogates available to project 2014 emissions. Key issues include: Demographics Fuel price forecasts Space heating assumptions/trends Point source operations vs. limits
Population/Household Forecast for Available from FMATS Available at census tract and zip code levels No forecast of square feet available, need to assume historic levels No forecast of vacancy rate available, need to assume historical household ratio observed in 2010 Either project 2000 to 2010 trends to 2014 or interpolate between 2010 and 2035
Population/Household Forecast for Available from FMATS (cont.) Use population/household forecast to estimate Space heating growth (# of homes, commercial structures) Point source growth Rail growth (or contact ARR) Aircraft growth (or contact individual airports) Non-road growth Use base year EFs except where models (e.g., NONROAD) are available to account for fleet turnover and control commitments
Travel Forecast for 2010 and 2035 Available from FMATS Either project 2008 to 2010 trends to 2014 or interpolate between 2010 and 2035 Use projected travel to quantify vehicle activity Use externally adjusted MOVES to quantify EFs in 2014
Space Heating Issues How many wood stove change outs should be assumed? How should they be distributed geographically? Should 2011 survey results on fuel split and use as function of temperature be held constant, if not how should they be changed (e.g., is there a fuel price forecast)? Should any change in behavior be assumed for response to public education programs (e.g., moisture content, etc.)? What assumptions should be made with regard to Clear Stack retrofits for OWHHs, how should they be distributed geographically?
Point Source Issues Need to create inventory reflecting PTE restrictions Need to create alternate inventory to reflect realistic expectation of activity 2008 base year modified to reflect population/household growth 2008 base year unmodified if determined to be with uncertainty of activity estimates Episode values modified to reflect 2008 source activity with operation restrictions based on source specific documentation EF changes should also reflect any control changes planned between now and 2014
Military Issues Mission assignments subject to change 2008 activity levels based on data supplied by bases Forecast of 2014 unrelated to population/household forecast Discussions with bases needed to assess potential for activity changes