教材課本 教材課本 Hospitality Englsih Hospitality Englsih 餐旅英文 餐旅英文 作者 : D avid Katz, Victoria Chen 作者 : D avid Katz, Victoria Chen 出版社 : 貝塔語言
週次 週次 內容( Subject/Topics ) 內容( Subject/Topics ) Week 1 Week 1 Moon Festival Holiday Week 2 Introduce the courses and introduce yourself Week 2 Introduce the courses and introduce yourself Hotel Reservations Hotel Reservations Week 3 Hotel Reservations, Dates and duration of stay Week 3 Hotel Reservations, Dates and duration of stay Week 4 Checking in Week 4 Checking in Week 5 Introducing hotel facilities, describing location Week 5 Introducing hotel facilities, describing location Week 6 Describing location and giving directions Week 6 Describing location and giving directions Week 7 Introducing the room and explaining room service Week 7 Introducing the room and explaining room service Week 8 Explaining room service and policies Week 8 Explaining room service and policies Week 9 Midterm exam Week 9 Midterm exam
Week 10 Introducing Hotel Presentation Week 10 Introducing Hotel Presentation Week 11 Introducing Hotel Presentation Week 11 Introducing Hotel Presentation Week 12 Hotel service and Handling Special Situations and problems Week 12 Hotel service and Handling Special Situations and problems Week 13 Handle a complaint and special problems Week 13 Handle a complaint and special problems The Business center The Business center Week 14 The Business Center and Gift Sho[ Week 14 The Business Center and Gift Sho[ Week 15 TOICE exam Week 15 TOICE exam Week 16 The gift shop and Checking Out Week 16 The gift shop and Checking Out Week 17 Checking Out Week 17 Checking Out Week 18 Final exam Week 18 Final exam
Introducing Hotel Presentation A guest is visiting the Hotel, please give the guest a tour to: Hotel room Hotel room Room facilities Room facilities Restaurant Restaurant Fitness Center Fitness Center The counter The counter The conference room The conference room Business center Business center
成績考核方式 期中考: 30 % 、期末考: 30 % 、學習態度 及出席: 20 % 、報告 20% 期中考: 30 % 、期末考: 30 % 、學習態度 及出席: 20 % 、報告 20% 上課後十五分鐘內未進教室者,算遲到 上課後十五分鐘內未進教室者,算遲到 缺課一節扣 2 分, 遲到一次扣 1 分 缺課一節扣 2 分, 遲到一次扣 1 分
Office Hours Monday 10:00~12:00 Monday 10:00~12:00 Tuesday 10:00~12:00 Tuesday 10:00~12:00 Wednesday 13:00~15:00 Wednesday 13:00~15: