Academic Foundations School Year
Welcome! Logistics Introductions Expectations Classroom Rules Grades Procedures Class Schedule Video’s & Stories Growing your mind Struggling Learner How are we all life-long learners?
Mrs. Gee Student introductions. Tell me about you. Introductions
A class designed to support you in math, reading, or both. This decision was made by both your CORE teachers, and your parents. What is Academic Foundations?
You come to class prepared. You enter my room with respect. This means you find your seat quietly and wait for instruction This means you raise your hand, and do not disrupt our class environment. Treat others, yourself and school property with respect. You will work harder then you ever thought you could. Expectations
My rules line up with my expectations/Handout Mrs. Gee’s Rules (will be placed in journals) Rules follow all school guidelines, please see planner/organizer. Classroom Rules
Line up outside of the classroom. To enter you must answer a flashcard. Turn in box. Journals. How to respond when called Procedures
Programs PlatoWeb pantherP panthers14 Reflex
Participation Grades (10 points a week= 100 points total at the end of the quarter) Mastery Tests weekly (10-20 points a week) Journal checks weekly (10-20 points a week) Grades
Monday & Tuesday: -PlatoWeb & Reflex/Reading Students SSR Wednesday: -Math: Weekly Word Problems & Reflex -I expect you to get the green light every day we use Reflex. *Reading: group w/Mrs. Gee or Ms. Sueskind Thursday: -Weekly Trivia in groups of 2-3 -Reflex (Math) -SSR (Reading) Friday: - Reflex/SSR & Stations The weekly schedule is subject to change! Schedule
"Growing Your Mind Video"
Reading Math I began to train myself to think differently…it wasn’t that I didn’t know, I just didn’t know yet My Academic Struggle
Why do we need the foundational skills of math & reading? Reading: Real World Math Video Real World Math Video –Math you use & see everyday… Patterns Symmetry Measurement Time Estimation Money Geometry-shapes, lines, angles. Fractions, decimals, percent's. Probability Problem Solving Why?
The question is always posed: When are we going to use this in real life? The Real Lesson: Diligence Cooperation Resilience Flexibility Critical thinking Problem solving Those are the skills you will use every time life throws you a curve ball The Truth
What is a life-long learner? You can learn anything! Failing is a part of learning. We all start at ground zero, and there was a time that even Einstein didn’t know how to count to 10… Life-Long Learning
Make Good Choices! "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas A. EdisonThomas A. Edison