TUESDAY – Schedule B 15 October 2013
Agenda Bell Work: Wordy Wednesday (Vocabulary) nefarious, demure, impregnable, slipshod, precursor HW Checked (Literary Analysis Square for “Hairs”) LESSON OBJECTIVE: Literary Analysis is based on critical reading. Critical reading involves 3 elements we will master during this unit: Read & Annotate Inference Organizer Literary Analysis Square
Class Work Annotation Guide: You Won’t Always Need it, But We will Use it for The House on Mango St. As you get used to annotation, you may develop your own methods and symbols. For this reading, and this class, annotate the following things with the following symbols: MI: Main Idea Find the main idea of each section or paragraph, underline it and write “(mi)” in the margins. E: Evidence Find at least one piece of evidence to support each main idea you find. S: Signal words Box the word and put an S near it. These are words that help you with the writer’s organization. T: Transitions Box the word and write a T near it. These are words that help you understand the author’s logic. ?: Questions Use a question mark to show what you don’t understand or need help on. !: Interesting Ideas Use an exclamation point to show what is interesting or new to you. X: I disagree Use an X when you thinking the author’s claim is wrong or evidence is unconvincing. Procedure for Lesson: Review Annotation Guide Distribute Post-Its Check in with Partner Listen to “My Name” and annotate Discuss with Partner and use Annotation Guide to add even more annotations.
How to read the order of the boxes in the literary analysis square and turn it into a paragraph
Homework Read and Annotate the next two vignettes after “My Name” Complete the literary analysis square and paragraph: