and Effective Meetings Conducting Efficient and Effective Meetings Tim Miller Sr. Project Manager, HNTB Event Date
Purpose and Objective Presentation Purpose Objectives Educate workshop attendees on the means to make utility coordination meetings more effective Objectives You should learn: 3 Meeting Stages Proven Techniques Role of Meeting Organizer Meeting Detours Advantages of effective meetings
Meeting Definition A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement. Meetings may occur face-to-face or virtually, as mediated by communications technology, such as a telephone conference call, a skyped conference call or a videoconference. - Wikipedia
Things you Rarely Hear We should have had another hour for that meeting The leader was overly prepared We need to have more meetings There were not enough people in attendance The time we spent at that meeting was worth its weight in gold
Prepare Conduct Follow Up Meeting Stages 3 Steps to Meetings 50% 25% 25% Prepare Conduct Follow Up
Meeting Preparation First Step: Define the Purpose Why are we having the meeting? What is the goal and objectives? Confirm we need a meeting Meetings cost time and money
Meeting Preparation Prepare and distribute agenda/information in advance Aids in meeting preparation Serves as meeting announcement Identifies meeting purpose and objectives Agenda sets tone and expectations of meeting Allotted times on agenda Identify lead for each agenda topic Seek input on agenda in advance of the meeting Meeting Invites Each invitee should add to meeting objectives Evaluate attendees on “recurring” meetings No “forwarded” invites without meeting organizer’s permission If Technology is Used (WebEx, etc), Test Before Start of Meeting Prepare Sign In Sheet in Advance
Conduct Meeting Start on Time Sets Expectations Meeting organizer States Meeting Purpose and Reviews Objectives Introductions – Be aware not everyone may not know one another Suggestion: Table Tents for large meetings Sign In Sheet Document Meeting Attendees Stay on Topic and Time Limits Engage Everyone! Assign Action Items
Meeting Follow Up 35% of professionals are in 6 or more meetings each week and 46% of those attendees leave meetings without a clear understanding of the next action item. Forbes – January 6, 2016 Prepare and Distribute Meeting Minutes Follow Through on Any Items Distribute Action Items Otherwise they simply burn time
Meeting Organizer Just like a Coach Lead the discussions Coach-manage discussion and time Encourages Engagement Gives credit
Meeting Detours Discussion Topic Not on Agenda Sidebar Conversations Suggest Adding to Next Meeting Sidebar Conversations Lack of Preparation Schedule not Maintained
Meeting Detours Discussion Topic Not on Agenda Sidebar Conversations Suggest Adding to Next Meeting Sidebar Conversations Lack of Preparation Schedule not Maintained
Meeting Pitfalls The Dreaded “Project Update” Mobile Devices/Laptops 5 minute “project update” 8 people in attendance 6 people already know “project update” 30 minutes of lost productivity Mobile Devices/Laptops “Recurring” Meetings
Efficient Meeting Benefits Efficient Meetings: Encourage future attendee preparation/desire to attend Produce Desired Results Improve Outcome Support and Team Morale Maximize Productivity Reduces e-mail threads Creates Opportunities for Various Staff Identifies future leaders
Meeting Outcome Many times, the productivity of the meeting is not necessarily based on the physical presence of the attendees, it is more aligned with the mental presence and engagement.
Closing A camel looks like a horse that was planned in a bad meeting - Author Unknown
Questions Tim Miller 317-636-4682