The 5 th e-ICON World Contest e-ICON World Contest
Opening Ceremony September 12, 2015 Incheon Airport Aviation Academy
Opening Remarks Jungchan CHA, Ph.D Director General, Institute of APEC Collaborative Education
Appreciation Remarks Mahfuzah Said Teacher, Haji Ismail Primary School Kedah, Malaysia
Self-Introduction Team A ~ L
Self-Introduction Staff & Supporters
Group Photo All Participants
Orientation Jisang Yu Staff, Institute of APEC Collaborative Education
Contents 1. Overview 2. Detailed Schedule 3. Meal & Accommodation 4. Wifi Connection 5. Exhibition 6. Awarding 7. Q & A
Overview Date Host / Organizer September 12 (Sat.) ~ September 16 (Wed.), 2015 Korean Ministry of Education / IACE Participants Total 100 participants Overseas : 34 individuals (10 advising teachers, 24 middle & high school students) Korean: 36 individuals (12 advising teachers, 24 middle & high school students) Organizer : 16 individuals (Staff:4 & Volunteer: 12) VIP & Related organizations : 30 individuals Venue Incheon Airport Aviation Academy & COEX in Incheon and Seoul
Overview Contents ClassificationContents International Training Pre- training - Team Building (1 Korean + 1 Overseas) - Taking Lecture (On-Line Lectures from - Submitting a Proposal & PDP (Draft version) On-Site training - Contents Development Completion & Preparing for Contest Post training - Content Modifying & Sharing, Online community activity Contest - Presenting, Judging & Awarding -Exhibiting & Demonstrating (at e-Learning Korea 2015)
* Team Coordinators will be assisting you in terms of providing technical skills & communication support Day 1(9/12) Opening Ceremony, Collaborative Development Detailed Schedule
Day 2(9/13) Collaborative Development
Detailed Schedule The Final version of PDP includes the signature of all members UCC is a 1 minute promotion (TV advertisement) video for the App. Day 3(9/14) Collaborative Development, Preparing Contest
Detailed Schedule Day 4(9/15) Presentation & Evaluation * All teams except for presenting teams will carry on exhibition preparation
Detailed Schedule Day 5(9/16) Exhibition * Teams will have lunch shortly after the Opening Ceremony of the e-Learning Korea under teacher & coordinator’s supervision. 3 designated restaurants have been selected.
Meal & Accommodation
Wifi Connection Main BuildingNew Building
Exhibition place Contents Introduction/ UCC of 12 teams Developed Content
Thank you Institue of APEC Collaborative Education
Thank You e-ICON Leaders!