Hyperprolactinaemia. Introduction. Prolactine (PRL) is secreted from the Anterior Hypophisis. Normal blood level of PRL: IU/L or 12.5 – 25 ng/ml. or 12.5 – 25 ng/ml. During pregnancy, a tenfold increase in serum PRL level.
There are at least 4 basic molecular types of PRL hormone circulating in the normal women’s blood : ~Little Prolactin (native PRL), MW 23 kDa. ~Big Prolactin, MW ± 50 kDa. ~Big-big Prolactin, MW ± 150 kDa. ~Glycosilated Prolactin, MW 25 kDa.
Definition. Hyperprolactinaemia is inapropriately increased PRL level occuring when the woman is non-pregnant, and may cause amenorrhoea or galactorrhoea or both.
Aetiology Pituitary(Hypophisis) tumor; 1.Microadenoma :<10mm diameter 1.Microadenoma :<10mm diameter 2.Macroadenoma:>10mm diameter. 2.Macroadenoma:>10mm diameter. Hypothyroidism. Primary hypothyroidism TRH PRL production. Primary hypothyroidism TRH PRL production. Drugs : Dopamine agonist: Dopamine agonist: Phenothiazines,Butyrephenones, Phenothiazines,Butyrephenones, Benzamides,Cimetidine,Methyldopa Benzamides,Cimetidine,Methyldopa Other drugs: antidepressants,opiates,cocaine etc Other drugs: antidepressants,opiates,cocaine etc Idiopathic
Diagnosis The diagnosis of hyperprolactinaemia can be made on a single serum measurement. A serum PRL of ≥800 IU/L in the presence of oligo-or amenorrhoea, pathological significance. CT-scanning or MRI should be done to exclude a hypophysis tumor.
Mechanism of amenorrhoea. Raised PRL Disturbance of normal hypothalamic GnRH release LHpulsatility suppressed Anovulation/Amenorrhoea. Control of PRL release: 1. TRH Hypothalamus hypophysis PRL 1. TRH Hypothalamus hypophysis PRL 2. Dopamine hypophysis PRL 2. Dopamine hypophysis PRL 3. Estrogen hypophysis PRL 3. Estrogen hypophysis PRL 4. Breast suckling TRH…. PRL 4. Breast suckling TRH…. PRL
Treatment. 1. Medicament. a. Bromocriptine;2,5mg orally 2-3 X daily with meals.Or by vaginal administration. a. Bromocriptine;2,5mg orally 2-3 X daily with meals.Or by vaginal administration. b. Quinagolide.(A new dopamine agonist),once a day,tolerated better. b. Quinagolide.(A new dopamine agonist),once a day,tolerated better. c. Cabergoline ( a new dopamine agonist, long half-life.Administered weekly. c. Cabergoline ( a new dopamine agonist, long half-life.Administered weekly.
2. Surgical treatment. * Trans-sphenoidal surgery is usually done to resect both micro-and or macroadenomas. * Trans-sphenoidal surgery is usually done to resect both micro-and or macroadenomas. * The results of treatment vary greatly between centres,±50% * The results of treatment vary greatly between centres,±50% 3. Radiotherapy (very rare)
Pituitary Adenoma Pituitary adenomas secreting hormones other than prolactin may also affect menstrual function. * ACTH secreting tumor cortisol Cushing’s disease. * ACTH secreting tumor cortisol Cushing’s disease. * Adenoma or adenocarcinoma of the adrenal cortex may cortisol. * Adenoma or adenocarcinoma of the adrenal cortex may cortisol. * Ectopic production of ACTH by other tumors such as Bronchial carcinoma or carcinoid tumors * Ectopic production of ACTH by other tumors such as Bronchial carcinoma or carcinoid tumors cortisol. cortisol.
CUSHING’S SYNDROME Cortisol excess protein catabolism gluconeogenesis conversion to fat deposition to face,neck and trunk. Cortisol excess depression of immune reaction. Cortisol excess protein catabolism wasting of limbs. wasting of limbs. Excess of other steroids: Estrogen amenorrhoea Estrogen amenorrhoea Androgen mild virilism Androgen mild virilism
HYPERANDROGENEMIA Hyperandrogenemia is a condition that the circulating level of testosterone, dehydro- testosterone and adrostenedion, is high, and may stimulate the derangement of physical condition. Normal Androgen level: depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Increase LH level androgen.
CLINICAL APPEARANCES PCOS is Functional derangaement of the Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis associated with anovulation. LH levels relatively high,FSH LH levels relatively high,FSH levels are relatively low. levels are relatively low. LH:FSH ratio elevated. LH:FSH ratio elevated. LH levels of Testosterone,Androstene LH levels of Testosterone,Androstene dione and DHA from Ovarium dione and DHA from Ovarium
Some of these androgens estrone in peripheral tissues High androgen levels SHBG by 50% unbound,active androgens The pathophysiology of PCOS is unknown (Genetic element?) (Genetic element?)
Clinical features of PCOS Variable The classic ‘Stein Leventhal’ syndrome,: * oligomenorrhea * oligomenorrhea * hirsutism * hirsutism * obesity * obesity * infertility. * infertility.
Diagnosis of PCOS No specific features of PCOS are diagnostic of the condition. on clinical grounds supported by : 1.Ultrasound *follicular cysts(Ø:6-8mm) 1.Ultrasound *follicular cysts(Ø:6-8mm) * ovarian volume * ovarian volume ( 25% of normal women) ( 25% of normal women) Eleveted LH:FSH ratio. Eleveted free testosterone levels.
2. Infertility ovulation disorders. 3. Amenorrhea, 4. Obesity 5. Hirsutism
Long- term effects of PCOS Increased risk of endometrial cancer(3X) Increased risk of Diabetes Mellitus (Hyperinsulinemia due to insuline resistance) Increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Treatment of PCOS Aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing long term effects.: * Infertility :1. Treat cause if known eg. PRL. * Infertility :1. Treat cause if known eg. PRL. 2. Ovulation induction. 2. Ovulation induction. * Amenorrhea :1. need contraception * Amenorrhea :1. need contraception combined OC Pills combined OC Pills 2. need no contraception 2. need no contraception cyclical gestogens cyclical gestogens
* Hirsutism 1.Local treatment * Hirsutism 1.Local treatment 2.Medicament treatment.: 2.Medicament treatment.: * Low dose oral contraceptivwes * Low dose oral contraceptivwes * Medroxyprogesterone acetate * Medroxyprogesterone acetate * Cyproterone acetate * Cyproterone acetate * Dexamethasone * Dexamethasone * GnRH analoque (addback HRT) * GnRH analoque (addback HRT) * Etc. * Etc.