March Schedule Grade 7 only – ELA Composition – March 19 th ELA Composition Make-Up, March 28 th Grades 6, 7, & 8 – ELA Reading Comprehension March 21 st (Session I) March 25 th (Session II)
May Schedule Grades 6, 7, 8 - Math May 7 th Session I (no calculators) May 8 th Session II (calculators only for 7 th & 8 th graders) Grade 8 ONLY - Science and Tech Engineering May 14 th Session I May 16 th Session II
Before the Test Read the Test Administrator Manual (this is the only test material that may leave the building). Remove or completely cover any materials related to content or test-taking strategies from the testing environment: Posters Maps Charts Graphic Organizers
Approved Resources #2 pencils Pen and highlighters in grades 6-8 test booklets only English-Language dictionaries for 7 th grade ELA Composition Only Bilingual word-to-word dictionaries are allowed for current and former LEP students Calculators for Session II of Math (in 7 th & 8 th only)
Day of Testing Pick up boxes in room 145 between 7:40am-8:13AM: After 8:13, boxes are in main office Write on the board: the question numbers students are to answer during the day’s session and the proctor’s name Each test session is completed the same day on which it begins No visitors are allowed to have contact with students during any testing session
Contents of MCAS Box Homeroom Roster Test booklets Answer booklets Sharpened Pencils “Testing Do Not Disturb” Signs Absence Report Word to Word Dictionaries (LEP students) Accommodations list for IEP and 504 students in your homeroom Tracking sheet – “Chain of Custody”
During the Test Read the scripts in the Test Administrator’s Manuals verbatim to students. Walk around the room to monitor testing. Make sure students are bubbling in the correct test! Make sure students DO NOT go on to the next test session. Make sure there are NO cell phones / electronics Provide test accommodations as documented on accommodation form (example on slide 16)
Hallway Monitor’s Responsibilities Monitor bathroom access for students Check in regularly with teachers in your identified area and provide breaks as needed
LEP Students LEP students must participate in ALL MCAS tests scheduled (except students who are in their 1 st year of enrollment in U.S. schools who will take only science and math tests. ) An LEP student is considered a 1 st year student if she or he enrolled in a U.S. school after March 1, 2013
Booklet Information ONLY School Name and District Name should be written on the front cover of the answer booklet for students with Student ID labels. DO NOT bubble student’s name, birth date and SASID (if you have the Student ID label). Please check to make sure students have bubbled in the correct Form Number on the answer booklet.
Test & Answer Booklets Please have the students write the following on the front of the Test Booklet: Student Name: First & Last Name School Name: William Diamond Middle School Homeroom #: (top, right-hand corner) Please have the students write the following on the front of the Answer Booklet: o Proctor Name: (top, left-hand corner)
Contact Information Any questions before/during/after testing: Ms. Carothersext 1201 Mr. Klimasmithext 1204 Ms. Horst ext 1203 Mr. Ngext 2203 Mr. Kon ext 2204 Ms. May ext 2205 Office Staffext 0
SPED / 504 Liaisons: Fill out accommodation form for the MCAS box. Provide all test materials to proctors. Other SPED proctors will return test material directly to SPED liaisons. Non-Disclosure Form (sign today)
Accommodations Accommodation Forms: Provided to all proctors by SPED liaisons Check off which accommodations are used during testing Submit with student’s testing materials Reference Sheets: Student name on all graphic organizers, etc. Submit with student’s testing materials Typed Responses: Students using a computer will PRINT their responses (no electronic upload available). Insert printed responses into Answer Booklet.
MCAS Accommodations Student: HR: Special Education Liaison: Please highlight which accommodations this student will be using. Comments: Frequent breaks 1.Time of Day 2.Small group 3.Separate Setting 4.Individual 5.Specified Area 6.Familiar Test Administrator 7.Noise Buffers 8.Magnification or Overlays 9.Test Directions Clarified 10.Large Print 11.Braille 12.Place Marker 13.Track Test Items 14.Amplification 15.Test Administrator Reads Aloud (except ELA Reading Comp Test) 16.Test Administrator Signs Test (except ELA Reading Comp Test) 17.Electronic Test Reader 18.Scribe Test 19.Organizer, Checklist, Reference Sheet or Abacus 20.Student Signs or Reads test Aloud 21.Monitor Placement of Responses 22.Word Processor 23.Answers Recorded in Test Booklet 24.Other Standard Accommodations noted in the IEP NON STANDARD ACCOMMODATIONS 1.Read Aloud ELA Reading Comp Test 2.Test Admin signs ELA Reading Comp Test 3.Electronic Text Reader for the ELA Reading Comp Test 4.Scribe ELA Composition 5.Calculation Devices 6.Spell or Grammar check on Word Processor 7.Other non Standard Accommodations
After the Test Students who finish early may read; they can’t do anything else - even write! Escort any student who needs extra time to the designated overflow locations End of the testing time will be announced to the whole school over the P.A.
Returning MCAS Boxes 1. Separate Test Booklets and Answer Booklets 1. Put all tests in alphabetical order 1. Complete Absence Report 1. Sharpen pencils 1. Return boxes immediately after testing each day 6th Grade – Main Office 7th Grade – Room 145 8th Grade - Room 145