Surgical Complications WHO Surgical Safety Check list Collaborative – LS3 Chair: Simon Phillips Director: Jonathon Gray
Surgical Complications Mission Statement In this Collaborative, the mission of the 1000 Lives Campaign and participating health care organisations is to work together to reduce death and harm by making surgery even safer. This will be achieved through the Collaborative by the implementation of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist for all patients undergoing surgery in Wales.
Surgical Complications Session Where has the checklist made a difference – team feedback Reliability – how was it achieved (interview) Team meeting – looking at organisational data, establishing reliability, next steps, how whole HB can take forward – producing a SBAR What’s new – developments with the checklist Next steps Martin Fletcher, NPSA CE joining us at 17.30
Surgical Complications Evidence of achievement
Surgical Complications Reality of data
Surgical Complications Where has it made a difference…..
Surgical Complications How have one team established reliability?
Surgical Complications Team meeting looking at organisational data Have you established reliability Next steps, how whole HB can take forward SBAR
Surgical Complications Collaborative Goals 1.Achieve 100% compliance with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist NPSA Alert by February Increase compliance with 1000 Lives Preventing Surgical Complications SSI and DVT interventions using the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. 3.Reduce 30 day surgical mortality by 10%, as measured by HSMR and CHKS. 4.Reduce morbidity by 10% as measures by the global trigger tool and surgical global trigger tool.
Surgical Complications Next steps ? Contact Jan / Feb 2010 LA checklist
Surgical Complications Thank you