Who you are What you do
Community Natural Resources Highlights of natural resources in your community What are forest and water resources you treasure? How does your community depend upon them? Quality of life they offer Economic base they provide
Need for Resource Protection Overview of resource threats and concerns Troubling Trends being observed now: – Development – Water issues – drought, floods, etc. – Forest issues – deforestation, fires etc. – Economics that depend on resources – tourism, jobs, growth – Climate as added stressor Creating resilience as risk management
CSU grant opportunity Grant for community planning for natural resource protection Analyzed forest, water, economics and climate conditions Surprising findings on all levels Learned from other communities in project
Team Who is on your team What was the team process for the project
Assessment Findings Forestry conditions Risks identified to forest conditions Development – deforestation / riparian loss Drought, fires, floods, invasive species etc. Major Impacts happening now What’s at stake for community with forest loss – Economic impacts – Biological impacts – Social impacts
Assessment Findings Water conditions Risks identified to water resources Development / Shortages / Pollution Droughts / Floods Climate influences Major Impacts happening now What’s at stake for community with water issues – Economic impacts – Biological impacts – Social impacts
Solutions to problems Adapting to meet challenges Developed a plan for community resilience Goals identified to protect forest and water – Goal 1 – Goal 2 – Goal 3
Taking Action Next Steps for putting the plan to work Team collaborations Action priority # 1 Action priority # 2 Action priority # 3 Generating Support for plan implementation
Get Involved What you can do to be part of creating community resilience: – Action you want them to do