What do you know about Christmas? МОУ лицей №1 2009-2010 г Презентация Ивашневой Т.В. учителя англ. языка.


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Presentation transcript:

What do you know about Christmas? МОУ лицей № г Презентация Ивашневой Т.В. учителя англ. языка

Try to answer these questions: 1.When do people celebrateWhen do people celebrate Christmas in America and Britain? 2.When do we celebrate it in Russia? Why?When do we celebrate it in Russia? Why? 3. Whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas?Whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas? 4. Who is Santa Clause? What clothes does he wear?Who is Santa Clause? What clothes does he wear? 5. What does Santa do?What does Santa do? 6. Do you know his second ( another) name?Do you know his second ( another) name? Who helps Santa?

What do you know about Christmas? In America and Britain people celebrate Christmas on the 25 th of December. The day before Christmas is Christmas Eve. People decorate a tree and put presents under it.

And in Russia we celebrate Christmas on the 7 th of January. We have different dates, because we use the new style and Americans and Englishmen use the old style.

On Christmas we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, the son of God. His mother was Mary. Jesus was born in Israel 2012 years ago.

Santa Clause is a magician who brings people Christmas presents. He usually wears a red and white jacket, red trousers and a red hat. He has very nice red and white high boots.

Late at night on Christmas Eve Santa gets into the house through the chimney and puts presents into the stockings near the fireplace. Children leave milk and cookies for Santa near the stockings.

Another Santa’s name is Father Christmas. His friends and helpers are the Elves and reindeers. The main deer is Rudolf. He has a red glowing nose.

Reindeer bell Christmas tree present Jesus angel Santa Father Frost sleigh Fireplace chimney